
It’s really quite simple.

Well, my Thursday plans are locked down.


You’re not a true privateer until you’re a broken man on a Halifax pier wishing you were in Sherbrooke.

It’s an honest-to-gods controller-clutcher—some people play with a mouse and keyboard, I’m sure, but those people are bonkers because sports and racing games are meant for console-style controls. Swing bat, run bases, throw pitches, everything you can do in MLB The Show just minus the MLB license (and a fair bit

I changed my name at 19. I got so annoyed with people (family members) who knew me from before then continuing to call me by my old name well into my thirties that at one point I posted on Facebook saying “next person who calls me (my old name) gets the same treatment Ernie Terrell got from Muhammad Ali.”

That is an impressive commitment to pedantry. Take it up with Metalhead Software, the Beavers are the only user-created team in my league.

where they have treaties about this sort of thing.”

The only difference between a pirate and a state actor at sea is the wording of the law.

He’s the latter-day Alexander Selkirk...except he’s marooned on the ship rather than the shore.

There is an achievement in Super Mega Baseball 3 for coming back from a five-run deficit.

I continue to maintain that democratizing information was the single worst decision of the past 50 years. Social media and “citizen journalism” has done more damage to democracy than any one person’s natural authoritarian tendencies ever did this side of Julius Caesar.

I live in a bad neighborhood. If the person committing the crime knows it’s me who got them arrested, I’m liable to get shot. Yeah, I carry too, but part of responsible gun ownership is knowing that you really, REALLY want to avoid actually using your gun unless it is absolutely, there-is-no-other-option necessary

(The CDC says if everyone is vaccinated and doesn’t live with an at-risk person, you can be mask-free, but are you really going to ask that question of everyone at a party?)“

One thing I like about the way Skyrim did the health bar was they put it where the player can actually see it in the middle of a fight. HUD elements that are critical to what you’re doing need to be in your primary field of view, and while this may be my “gaming on a large monitor from a short distance” PC gamer view

I feel like “The Moon” is the standardized test for joining the Rock Guitar Gamers’ Guild. You name the artist—FamilyJules, CarboHydroM, WillRock, Jonny Atma/GaMetal—and they’ve all done the piece, usually pretty early in their careers. (Carbo in 2006, Jules in 2013, Atma in ‘14.) Only WillRock, who did it in ‘16, was

I’ve described the end of the Dark Ages in print as “when Mike D’Antoni discovered fun gathering dust in a Phoenix supply closet.”

I think “just not a great gamer” is a bit harsh, but I agree with your key point that having an unmistakeable visual (and auditory, if the inevitable pounding heartbeat sound effect is anything to go by in so many games) cue that “dude, you need to fuck off outta there, like, now” is a very good way to get the

I think the midterms next year and the election in 2024 will tell us a lot more, because 2020 was just so far outside the norm of anything we’ve ever seen in politics—COVID, a protest movement raging during election season, a singularly polarizing figure in the White House trying to get re-elected, economic anxiety,

I got my first shot Wednesday, and except for some soreness around the injection site that’s still a bit bothersome two days later, I’ve had no major ill effects.