
I primarily chose gunbreaker because I’m a big Final Fantasy VIII fan. At 33 years old, I finally realize that the character I am most like wasn’t the manic-pixie-dream-sorceress Rinoa, but the constantly-struggling-with-the-mortifying-ordeal-of-being-known gunbreaker Squall.”

“I guess the the reasonable thing to do is just get the first one that has very positive reviews and not look back.”

Ahh, L.A. Noire...a game that Steam says I last played on January 3, 2016, and which I really only needed to play through once to feel like I’d seen all of it. Had I not picked it up cheap-as-chips during the 2014 Steam Holiday Sale (it appears I paid $7.49 for it according to my purchase history), I’d have felt a bit

I’m an avid sports gamer and I don’t play yearly updates. My rule has always been “one game per sport per console generation.” Long-term franchise-mode or be-a-pro mode careers sustain my savefiles for years.

If it isn’t battery, then that means that hair is not part of one’s body that can be inherently attacked or harmed.

Crème brulée for everyone!

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Take your star, you magnificent sonuvabitch.

“Backlog” depends on how you define it.

Antifa is all-powerful and Antifa works in mysterious ways. If something goes wrong, it was all part of Antifa’s plan. All hail Antifa. Amen.

No need for the scare quotes around Christian.

I’m not a big fan of mods in general, finding Sturgeon’s Law to be a major obstacle to even highly-touted, generally-regarded-as-great mods.

BK used to have one of the best “premium” chicken sandwiches. The Tendercrisp was a damn good sandwich.

Poker night wasn’t the same without Necco poker chips.

I own, according to my own Library tab, 164 games. Just for fun, by hours, the top 5:

Oh, definitely coddled. A woman who will stay by my side, tend to my well-being, and gently chide me to take better care of myself when I’m recovering and trying to do too much too soon? That’s what I call “wife material.”

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I’m not going to rag too hard on you, since English isn’t your first language, but my use of the idiom “pop goes the weasel” (and referring to gamers as “monsters”) would tip off a native speaker to a tone that would be roughly in line with Ron Burgundy’s “I’m not even mad, that’s amazing” bit in Anchorman.

The thing about McBurgers is that the quarter-pounders have become massively better since they switched to using fresh beef a couple years back. Before then, I’d have concurred with your assessment of them as “shoe leather” (well, more like cardboard, but six of one...)

“Count the number of different NBA Champions over the last 40 years.”

Lovely—by the time it gets to 15 the purchasing power of $15 will have eroded to the point where the Fight for 20 will be well underway.

I watch the business of top-flight soccer with a kind of morbid curiosity, since as an FC Hansa Rostock diehard I’m like “must be nice to root for a team with two euro coins to rub together.”