
Uwe Boll was a real-life version of the film “The Producers”, except none of his movies went horribly right like “Springtime for Hitler”.

I find it remarkable that refugees would still choose the United States as a destination when places in Canada and Europe have been more welcoming and are generally better places to be if you’re starting your life over with nothing.

Collecting things with some kind of inherent historical value, or which have something unique about them that lends well to comments on their workmanship or context is pretty much the entire reason the museum was invented.

Receiver 2 is a living testament to the need for the Acceptable Breaks From Reality trope.

I’m perfectly OK with “git gud” games being out there, and if I decide to play one and master it, it’s invariably a satisfying experience (after it’s a frustrating one—it’s often down to the game’s design to determine whether it’s worth suffering the slings and arrows of gittin’ gud in order to actually git gud.) I

Every time I see that goddamn trapdoor Springfield (and yep, it’s in .45-70, one reason that cartridge got to be known as “.45-70 Government”), or the Martini-Henry, I’m like “FFS, get yourself a friggin’ Winchester 1876 in .44-40 WCF or .45 Colt, for the love of the gods!” Lever guns are so damn much fun to shoot

It’s way past oversaturated. You raise a good point about how there is room in the market for a well-made game in another setting, though. Even in settings that already have games, sometimes those games are so full of toxicity or barriers to entry or just badly-made games (glares at Sea of Thieves) that a good dev

1983 is coming.

a seeming sign that Amazon intends to keep shooting for the game development stars despite the mounting evidence that this might be a bad idea.”

I have a very simple rule in regards to my junk. Any woman who wants to see it can reach into my pants and get it herself.

I’ll drink to that. Although in truth, they should probably have their kids taken away from them by CPS long before the kid has a chance to die, but that creates the devil’s choice of putting the kids through the hell of foster care vs. the risk of them dying horribly of or being disfigured or disabled by a

There’s a huge difference between an “open relationship” and “polyamory” definitionally.

“You’re being dramatic.”

As they say in relationships, “once a cheater, always a cheater.”

If you want more chlorophyll in your life, try a green salad. I hear that works wonders for improving overall health. Probably clear your skin up too just as part of the overall good effects of a healthy diet.

It’s like I said about the measles. Some dumbshit anti-vaxxer’s kid dies? Sad, but they totally had it coming. Fuck ‘em, not all lessons in life are kind.

I’m not making stuffed shells for a small army?”

Came here looking for this. All you need in this world is an upright bin that looks like a rodent-cage water bottle, add a hand-cranked or lever-actuated rotating valve to dispense out a portion of whatever it is you can get into a bag to be weighed, and voila, dry goods heaven.

This is my thought. Combined with those 97% and 88% numbers cited for measles and mumps, it’s pretty obvious that vaccine-induced herd immunity is the best first line of defense against any disease. The fewer people who can get and spread the contagion in the first place, the less breakthrough infections become a

Well in that case I default back to something I said about Jeff Sessions in 2017...