I got kicked out 'cause of my views on Vietnam. Also, I was stealing projectors.
I got kicked out 'cause of my views on Vietnam. Also, I was stealing projectors.
Not even Xena is a match for the limited edition, double-edged lightsaber from Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.
We now return to School of Hard Knockers starring Corey Masterson.
♪ Batmobile lost its wheel and the Joker got away, hey! ♪
The coroner? I'm so sick of that guy.
Well, I would prefer we kept your marriage a secret. You see, a lot of women are going to want to have sex with you, and we want them to think they can.
What's it like riding a girl's bike?
Take that, you dumb squirrel!
[ Imitates Bed Squeaking, Growls, Pants ]
[ Barking, Howling ]
[ Gibberish ] Hubba-hubba.
♪ Gonna paint your wagon,
Gonna paint it fine,
Gonna use oil-based paint
'Cause the wood is pine ♪
Now, I'm not saying Mr. Burns is incontinent.
This character named Martin was feeling rather randy.
Oh my god, the dead have risen… and they're voting Republican!
Mrs. Pommelhouse? I'd like to get down now.
Homer, listen carefully. John is a Ho - mo…sexual!
Sorry Bart, I'm deeply immersed in the Teapot Dome scandal.
Is this the end of zombie Shakespeare?
♪ They'll never stop The Simpsons,
Are "Poo" and "Ass" taken?
I feel like I'm the Bourne Identity.