Batman's a scientist.
Batman's a scientist.
Hey, this thing writes itself.
Enough! I grow weary of your sexually suggestive dancing. Bring me my ranch dressing hose.
Good job, Simpson. Although that's more cursing than I'd like to hear from a cadet in peace time.
But seven goes into 28 four times.
And that's why, today, bananas are called "yellow fatty beans."
You've gotta start selling this for more than a dollar a bag. We lost four more men on this expedition.
President Reagan dyes… his hair.
♪ Ooey, gooey, rich and chewy inside ♪
♪ Golden, flaky, tender, cakey outside ♪
He's totally in my face.
Live from the Improv Stacy's only 89 cents! Eww.
There's very little meat in these gym mats.
Well, then I guess the moral is: the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Go ahead. Throw your vote away!
Kent, I’d like to remind everybody to come down and watch me at the Springfield Laugh ‘N Brew, and burgers and fries this Saturday. The forecast calls for a 75% chance of hilarity.
She's a lady all right. A beautiful lady.
Didn't you learn anything from Love Day?
My germs. My precious germs. They never harmed a soul. They never even had a chance.
Before we start, we have a lost child here. If she's not claimed within the next hour, she will become property of Blockbuster Entertainment.
Pass me another hunk of co-pilot.