Give us some Voyager reviews already damnit, I'd say that show is even more in need of a good review series given how controversial it is.
Give us some Voyager reviews already damnit, I'd say that show is even more in need of a good review series given how controversial it is.
Those episodes were wonderful
Those two episodes were freaking HILARIOUS, "Make mine a P-P-P Vicodin!"
Scattegories is the bomb
It was out of place, why were they showing such a scene between two support characters? Was nonsense.
Frankly I wouldn't mind, I don't really need any more tacked on gay characters a la Danny, if you want a gay character in your show then have one, don't just make up a side character whose express purpose is to be gay and give you chances to have men on men nipple kissing action on MTV.
It was a number of one liners in the episode that didn't 100% work but it was by far not the worst. I nearly just shut the TV off when Derek said something like "I was (dead) but I evolved, something you'll never do".
Wtf is he? A pokemon? Oh god, so much bad dialogue this episode/
Isn't it so good we have proper reviews unlike back in those dark days of season 1 and 2?
The Lydia screaming bit is a clear case of style over substance. It looks cool and is surprising so let's throw it in the episode!
Ok and I think he is a shit actor
The show hasn't taken the time to really explore any of this kind of stuff which is annoying because we'd probably prefer it slowed down with the endless action and half baked ideas to spend more time with the characters we love and have grown to love (Malia!!!). Frankly I'd be happy with a bottle episode where…
Malia's "deer" line was brilliant and her delivery flawless
Right I was talking about school years, it has taken place across two school years.
I believe the quote was "Your notes are great when they're not written in code" not "whether written in code".
The last four seasons haven't comprised a year I'm fairly sure!
Season 1 and Season 2 were both a year (considering that season 2 featured the aftermath of the winter dance which took place in February - there's no way season 3 also happened in the same school year).
Then season 3 I assume was a single school year too.
They sold out the premise of the show and failed to advance Trek but boy did that show tell some good episodic stories with unique and interesting stories.
Dude, Kes didn't even die.
Dude you're embarrassing yourself, stop trying to talk about DS9 when you haven't seen it.
Excuse me in what way was Voyager serialized?
Please give me a story arc in seasons 5, 6 or 7 that lasted beyond a two parter please. Season 4 was the closest the show got to serialization in the post Kazon period and even then it was very light serialization.