Nah, Sub-Rosa is at least kind of fun in a crazy way as Genesis was.
Nah, Sub-Rosa is at least kind of fun in a crazy way as Genesis was.
"To understand Star Trek it is paramount to understand Rodenberry", what a load of rubbish.
I agree that over-serialization is a problem in TV in general these days, DS9's semi-serialization was a perfect balance. Shows like "The Walking Dead" are in dire need of more episodicness which is why I enjoyed the last half of the season much better..
Two episodes isn't an "arc", DS9 did actual arcs and it kept track of who did what and were unlike Voyager which often had an amnesiac's memory.
No, Sisko only became more annoying as the show went on and the actor was pretty terrible. But it's still a fantastic show.
I know what you mean about Voyager, it's so easy to just rewatch any episode that you come across on TV and that's why I enjoy it so much, almost every episode offers some exciting new sci-fi…
He faced down a Beserker, he IS super powerful.
He's like Tim Kring but not quite as bad.
Shelley is my MVP for the season, I'm in love with her.
This, Teen Wolf has been convoluted before but never THIS convoluted, it was just SO sloppy I could cry from the sheer confusion.
Wow, what a devestatingly disappointing end to such a promising storyline. These last two episodes were awful especially the last one which was just complete and utter trash.
Actually feeling so sad about how bad this season ended after how exciting and season 1-ish it had previously felt, like Teen Wolf back to its…
Why the fuck does the Teen Wolf section have to have pathetic, lecherous posts like this? Fuck off.
Danny is awful
She was pretty relevant in season 2, it's true though that in season 3 she took a backseat.
Nah, I'd say he's far worse than Tyler Posey.
The guy who plays Danny is a shit actor
Really do think they should do an all female version…
Ok I'm watching this show and these reviews are pissing me off so royally, the endless critique of "the scene tried to be funny but failed", well maybe someone removed your funny bone but pretty much all the attempts at humor in this show take off imo.
Ok I'm watching this show and these reviews are pissing me off so royally, the endless critique of "the scene tried to be funny but failed", well maybe someone removed your funny bone but pretty much all the attempts at humor in this show take off imo.
Rick and Morty: stunning