
This episode basically sums up a lot of what I felt went wrong with the Simpsons perfectly. I was watching the DVD commentary for the classic "Colonel Homer" and one of the writers/producers whatever, in the scene where Homer is passing by the sulfur mine and trying to hold his breath, mentioned that now they would

The dude told me to eat a dick on twitter and I'm still pumped about this. I don't give a flying crap about how he is as a person, I love these characters and the stories this show tells, can't wait.

I thought the Kimye sketch was fantastic

Ugh, end it already

LOL you can see the person being interviewed was thinking "when will these questions fucking end" as their answers got shorter and shorter

Huh? I thought Extreme Makeover: HE was canceled.

The first 3 seasons were hilarious and original for their time and still hold up today very strongly. Still one of my all time favorite tv shows for those seasons alone, although the last 5 years or so have been fairly abysmal.

Farrell has said multiple times in interviews she would have been happy to do guest appearances so that's strange!


I would say Enterprise's season 3 Xindi arc was a very worthy successor and evolution of the Dominion arc from DS9. I've rewatched season 3 recently and was reminded of just how great that season was.

Jadzia's death was absolutely pathetic, the worst thing is that she didn't even need to die. Farrell said she would have loved to put in a some guest appearances in Season 7 and it would have made perfect sense if she had been reassigned to another station/ship after the "Change of Heart" debacle. The

I like "Change of Heart", Moore wrote excellent dialogue between the two of them and was in the same position as the reviewer and genuinely thought Jadzia might bite it (I had the same worry in "Rocks and Shoals"). Very affecting episode, really like it.

This show is such garbage

It's story *arc* not arch.
Anyway, I liked the episode and the final shot was hilarious.

I've listened and at first was impressed with a lot of the production but then I realized that almost every damned song is the SAME lyrically. How much can one band sing about the same exact subject matter? If these boys really want to evolve, I'd like to see the sing about some slightly more abstract themes and not

So basically like The Expendables, an "action" movie let down by a complete failure to portray exciting action on screen. I could tell from the trailers this would blow.

Exactly the complete lack of logic in that just ruins the character for me

Don't give a crap about the governor, so this episode was meh for me, just can't wait until he's dead. Only good thing about this episode was seeing Martinez again since he's hot and all.

This movie is an A

I felt she never had any presence on the show.