
I also thought these two episodes were unusually funny for what we've had for a while now.

Also as someone who works at an accounting firm, the stereotypes seen in the second episodes were really silly.

I thought these were the funniest episodes we've had in quite a while, disagreed with the grades both last week and this week. I seem to run in opposite to the reviews.

The redesign is genuinely terrible, stripped down so much that I'm probably using the site about a fifth as much as I used to. This website used to be a place I'd go to find a list of episodes for various tv shows but now I just use wikipedia.
Everything bleeds into each other and it just doesn't give me as much

This seems to be a theme in site revamps recently (incl. gamespot) whereby everything is overly-simplified thereby heavily reducing functionality. Everything also bleeds together.

Exactly. I don't like the character in concept or execution or simply as a person so I couldn't give a flying fuck about anything that happened, this was some boring ass shit.

And people say the first season was good…

You're really feeding the ingrained dichotomy in American society between liberal and conservative (stereotypes) with this garbage. I'm not American so don't try and ascribe these values to me. Implying I'm racist because I don't like "Far Beyond the Stars" is absurd. I'm pro-welfare system but don't like "Past

Everyone know there's still racism around but I don't need a Star Trek episode directly preaching that it's wrong in the most unsubtle way possible. Some subtlety would have been nice. If they really wanted to comment on the kind of racism alive in the 90s, why not do something a little more skillful and subversive

And yet isn't immediately obvious…so why choose to comment on it in the most obvious way possible using examples of 50s racism? I just felt we didn't need an episode of DS9 commenting on 50s racism, it was self-indulgent to the extreme.

How is an episode on 50s racism relevant to the viewers watching in the late 90s?

So many like-fishing psycho-analysts on here.

No I'm a liberal…I just don't like preachy sci-fi when it's being too obvious and ham-fisted (Past Tense) or when it's irrelevant (Far Beyond the Stars).

I hate this episode with a passion, it shows you what happens when you let an actor get a say in a show and when his aims and intentions have nothing to do with the show.

One of my least favorite episodes, too many of the jokes seemed family guy

How is the quality of the book "Spares" related to the objective quality of the film "The Island"?

Just cancel the damned show already…

Ugh, the endless fishing for likes with snappy comments really makes these forums a drag.

Hopefully they get better actors, the actress playing Phoebe was just the worst.

The Island is pretty awesome.