
A lot of the Finns I meet truly are humorless so I liked it.

If they did bring back Dan Harmon, they would get a pretty sizeable increase in ratings at least for the first few episodes. I say it would be worth it from a financial point of view.

I feel like if they give us season 5, it WILL be better than season 4. Of course the new showrunners et all needed time to break into a new show but I'm confident they'll learn from season 4 and give us a 30 Rock Style season 5 renaissance.

D is too harsh imo.

Yes! Elementary gets an A :D

I didn't see "Last Resort" but I do feel he is one of the most attractive actors to come out of Hollywood in the last 20 years.

Jay Hernandez is awesome, he's good-looking, what MORE do you want?

" I like Roger’s costumes and characters more when they fit into a story as a supporting character instead of separating him out in his own satellite plot."

Am I the only one who doesn't like Arya and finds her really, really boring?

A Touching the Void moment? Don't you mean, a "Vertical Limit" moment? :P

Fail comment is fail.
See how obnoxious that sounds?
Iron Man 3 is a bad movie, that's why it gets a C+

WHY is the community grade so high? This movie was terrible.

This show sure does get a lot of C's

It was shit, I don't ask for a stunning work of art, I just ask for a movie that gives the fans what they want and respects the source TV series but we didn't get that. Oh and a movie that had some basic logic would have been nice too.

Can't wait to watch this when I get home tonight!
I love this damned show :D

When did we start spelling "ho" as "hoe" anyway?

Can't sleep, clown'll eat me.
Can't sleep, clown'll eat me.
Can't sleep, clown'll eat me.

Well just wait, the rest of the season might be her and her army crossing the desperate looking for sources of water.

I'm really surprised so few people knew that she would speak the language. I mean she's fucking Daenerys Targaryen! Of course she knows Valyrian.

Daenerys now has the army you would want to actually take over Westeros. I love how she can just command her army to not kill any children and they'll abide by it.
Now let's say that she did actually take over Westeros, who would she take as her husband?