
This is weird.

And even he's not THAT attractive

Florent Manaudou is far more attractive.

The sad thing is he's not even that attractive. If he was genuinely attractive, I'd be willing to forgive him a bit more.

I agree about Voyager (although not about DS9), also "In the Flesh", "Fury" and "False Profits" were among Voyager's absolute worst.

I think you're quite wrong about seasons 1-2 of Voyager. In those two seasons we got "Phage" (Introducing the Vidiians, a tragic and fascinating villain), "Eye of the Needle", "Prime Factors" , "State of Flux", "Faces", "Jetrel", "Projections", "Meld", "Deadlock" and "Tuvix".Season 3 was the true

Actually. Despite the fact I prefer DS9 over VOY, I find Voyager much more interesting to talk about. Talking about where it could have been improved and what it did wrong is pretty fun, and plenty of the episodes themselves are actually pretty divisive.

Voyager isn't that bad, it just didn't live up to it's concept. Once you've accepted that, it's easy to enjoy and appreciate some of the talent that went into some of those episodes. Also "Flashback" sucked balls.

Loves this episode! Funny stuff

How is that implausible in the least?

Yeah, from a distance

"Writer" and "Prometheus" aren't two words that go together very well

This is the ratings peak of TWD, it aint ever gonna be bigger than this.

so he got a C for an album totally about oral sex.

I still can't get over how great the show could have been. If they'd simply made the show about people dealing with the electricity stopping from the outset rather than skipping to years later, they'd be getting a lot more viewers.

So sad that Andrea died. Sigh.


No it fucking isn't.

Drop the OCD shit. I could relate to what you were all going through in the first season, if the third season is about being in rehab/a mental facility, I'm gonna find it difficult to.

OCD. YAWN. Who thought that would make a good plot strand for a TV show? Oh, Lea, and the show's lost 300,000 viewers since the season premiere and the critical support of a lot of season 1 fans.
Get back on track next season Lea!