
No, I don't think the character is lying about her symptoms. But as far as the decision of Lea to follow this storyline, it was a big mistake and I've hardly seen any positive reactions about it. I haven't heard one person say "Aren't you loving the OCD storyline in girls?". It's ridiculous, sure SOME people can

This season derailed once the whole OCD storyline started.
Hannah is the kind of person who would say "Oh I'm so OCD" rather than someone who would actually have it. It's such an unrelatable, hipsterish "ailment".

"Islamophobia" is a bullshit phrase to begin with.

I would be gutted if they killed off Andrea.

Most people who hate Andrea tend to be morons to be honest.

If you need a big story every episode, go watch something episodic.

Why has Andrea been ruined beyond absolution?
Don't understand this at all.

Ok well I think my opinions are starting to diverge from most people's.
I *like* Andrea, every minute she is on screen she completely captures my attention, this doesn't happen with hardly any other characters. I like the actress and I like her character, she's a good person who always means well even if it doesn't go

This wasn't a particularly good episode (there hasn't been one of them in several years) but I'd hardly find myself being offended by a cartoon portraying a Muslim as an extremist. Having lived in London for three years, I know very well that there are a LOT more extremists and those supporting terrorist

Haven't watched this ep yet but woot at the 1.5!

Giving grades, now THIS is how it's done.

I love the guy!

Fascinating. But Season 5 was simply brilliant.

Can't stand Shoshanna, who really talks like that?

Ugh simply wonderful show.

Absolutey, one of the top seasons. Season 6 and season 7 were actually a decline in quality from what was a peak for the show in season 5.


Really? I just find there's far too emotional business in the episodes these days…I'm glad others can enjoy it as much as I can but I'm finding it very stale.

A C+ user grade!?? Well I'm happy to say I enjoyed this episode a lot and my heart was really beating in that last scene with Andrew. Other people may think the show is going downhill but it's as good as season 3 ever was right now.

I'm not feeling the love for P&R this season, it just isn't that funny anymore.