
I enjoyed his sex tape the most, I have a thing for lips so what more needs to be said?

I enjoyed his sex tape the most, I have a thing for lips so what more needs to be said?

I was indeed very disappointed that they split up Jack and Avery, they seemed so perfect for eachother and it was nice to see Jack happy. Can't say I'm not confused by the writers' decision

I was indeed very disappointed that they split up Jack and Avery, they seemed so perfect for eachother and it was nice to see Jack happy. Can't say I'm not confused by the writers' decision

This episode in particular I was reminded of Roger *multiple* times, Chloe basically is the live action female Roger, absolutely no doubt about it.

A channel that actually shows some decent programming

No grade? Disappointing, personally I like both episodes a ton

LOL, your English is fail.

Why do you hate that phrase?

Probably only saw 2 episodes

Well madness is a kind of genetic disease kinda?

Militias*. I think the show would probably be more interesting if it didn't skip 15 years ahead, watching how society would react to the actual happening might be more interesting.

I'm gonna watch every single episode of "Revolution", love the concept

That clip from "Guys with Kids" was dire

lay what in bed?

Nah they haven't.

Overall I feel like the show is going to be well remembered - it was a consistently funny and entertaining show.

I love this damned show - I just caught up with it this weekend and it is so funny…I can totally see the American Dad influence in the show and the humor. I actually think the grades are kinda harsh.

His show was canceled, he didn't die.
Anyway, I'm totally psyched about Dane Cook's new sitcom - hoping they put it together with Whitney on a Wednesday and my life with be complete!

The writers of TBBT probably dont know who the fuck she is to be honest, the average mid-west housewife expresses more sci-fi knowledge than that show.