

Whitney was getting pretty decent ratings for NBC in its 8pm slot, outperforming Community anyway. What I don't understand is why "Up All Night" gets a full season while "Community" does not when the latter was outperforming the former.
Also anyone else find it annoying how it's Parks had that really short first

They've run out of things for him to do! So pursuing a career in law enforcement finally opens up tons of new possibilities for him.

I felt this season started off kind of shaky but improved as it went along.

Wow, season 5 was the complete opposite of "rough".

Actually I think the best episodes were the fresh ones - episodes that dealt with things we haven't really seen that much of with regards to character relationships. We haven't seen Liz Lemon in this kind of long term relationship and having a child with some etc etc so episodes like this stand out for me over more


This episode was a solid A- for me, great laughs all the way through.


It would make no sense to cancel it, Parks got a 1.7 last week while 30 Rock/Community got 1.4.

So we will get a 4th season but everyone leaves? Hopefully Chevy won't go either!
Anyway, I'm hoping it does get an additional order beyond the 13 episodes and think it probably will not that I'm certain…….unfortunately that just means extra nail biting for us Community fans.

Tracy really has been awful this season, he's been dragging it down

It doesn't seem like a wise move, since they don't really know how their new sitcoms will perform in comparison.

I'm so nervous

Great episode, JLD is giving the performance of a lifetime too. Loved her reaction when her daughter suggested she talk about her experimental theater art class or whatever XD
I also appreciate that she isn't afraid to screw her face up and look a bit ugly.

It was more like car crash television. I'm 99% certain she was off her head on cocaine.

Am I the only one who enjoys the stuff in King's Landing the most? I find watching Sansa and Joffrey to be extremely entertaining.

What kind of hat do you wear that covers your face?

My guess is that from the wall to the very south coast of Westeros is about the equivalent distance of the North of Scotland to the South of Spain.

Dany didn't really leave her dragons unprotected, there was a good 10 soldiers killed to get to them.