
I can't take Osha very seriously because of who plays her - the actress took part in the Oscar coverage in the UK and she knew shit about films and acted like a total cokehead. Her appraisal of "The Descendants" was "I saw the trailer but thought nah it looks rubbish so I didn't see it".

Were you trying to be funny or are you really that stupid? Good fight and stunt choreography is needed for any quality action film.

Ok so you thought the choreography in the Expendables was awesome? Well isn't that just shit.

Just because it's a higher figure does not mean it's necessarily better or more suited, progress for progress sake without actually thinking about what is most suitable.

I always lol when April shows her disdain for Ann.

Quite far below the quality of the first Queen of Jordan, several elements of this episode just weren't working for me - the script needed to be heavily rewritten imo

Yes, I felt the episode was densely packed with jokes in a 30 Rock kind of way and that made me enjoy it a lot - this kind of joke packing has been missing for a while.

I think this episode showed the group dynamic well with no crazy gimmicks to distract us.

I do not agree with the score whatsoever, I was so happy to just see our normal Greendale crew interacting in normal circumstances and no gimmicks. One of my favorite episodes of the season.

I love balls to the walls insane but most of the "action" scenes in the first movie had people standing still and firing machine guns. Oh and it had one of the dullest car chases in history, not to mention a fight between Jet Li and Dolph Lundgren that probably could have had better choreography if they'd let a 10

The first one was so bad that it wasn't even "so bad it's good" - that's the worst kind of bad, if you get what I mean

I think I realized why I liked Renly so much - for once he was a gay king/ruler that was portrayed as competent and sympathetic. So often they're portrayed in a light that paints them as something to be disgusted, and weak willed at that.

I really lacked Renly, gutted he was killed off!

Nah, I much preferred Kristen Schaal's moment.


You're*, learn to spell. Also I know they're not my characters and it's not my show…..but what exactly is your point? That i can't criticise any show that I don't make? Your life must be shit that you are so aggressive on an avclub message board.

They're not characters? Urm, what? Pretty sure they are.

Yes I know they do but that doesn't mean they don't record and manipulate the laughter, and obviously the audience is so psyched to be there they will literally laugh at anything.

So anyone who says they didnt fully enjoy an episode is going to be accused of being Nathan Rabin from now on? What kind of communist hellhole is this 30 Rock page now? I think I made a pretty valid point - I wanna see my 30 Rock characters having adventures not Alec Baldwin doing more SNL sketches.

It was just too sketch show, too SNL, and that audience were even more Hyper than BIg Bang's…there was one really annoying woman in particular.