
What a shitty advert, why don't they just try doing a billboard with the time and station written on it instead of advertising to people who are already going to watch!

Doing storylines that have been done in some form of another is difficult, but I expect some originality from 30 Rock in its gag and dialogue writing. A lame joke about bad sushi ending the cold open was just sad. Its amazing how many people here can't handle criticism of a TV show.

What a pointless comment.

No I just have better taste than you, you're probably one of those idiots who thought that season 4 was just as good as season 3, unable to tell any difference in writing as long as the colors and shapes on screen stay the same.

Liz's stomach talking is a joke that's already been done better.
"That couch is made from Seabiscuit"…..what's funny or original about that line? Heck, I'm sure I've heard half a dozen variations of that jokes in various comedies throughout the years, so unoriginal.

God REALLY!? You think that was A standard "wordplay"? All the one-liners were badly placed and lazy, the prime example is the sushi joke ending the pre-credits sequence. Yes, we know sushi you get on trains or in theme parks or whatever isn't the best stuff, that's such an old joke. Its amazing how fans of the same

Well I thought it sucked, I guess I'm more discerning when it comes to 30 Rock than you.

You say "quick and snappy", but really what we got were a lot of typical one-liners just literally shoved in anywhere into the dialogue in order to make it more "funny". The -attempt at- comedy in this episode felt so unnatural.

I thought this was a pretty horrible episode. It felt like the writers were just diving into a box full of rejected one liners and gags. They were just littered all over the place to the extent that it was a parody of 30 Rock and its brand of humor rather than the real, refined thing. Felt very season 4-ish, I found

I hope this isn't like "Horrible Bosses" where there was apparently very little scripted dialogue at all, and just three actors rambling CONSTANTLY over eachother to a totally unfunny and grating effect.

Mine isn't :-(

Seth Meyers ruins everything he's in, he explained the "Hips don't lie" gag thereby ruining it, not to mention he constantly laughs and what he says and its not even a charming laugh, he just looks gross

You are one age going on another age, what's going to happen neext?

I really feel like there's been a clear shift in the second half of the season of course caused by internal shakeup that occurred. This episode felt like a real watershed and a lot of things that needed to happen happened, and for the past two episodes there has been actual TENSION in the damned show which is what the


LOL this was not an A.

I actually prefer Home Alone 2 a lot over the first one. Sure it re-does a lot of stuff from the first one but it makes it more extreme, more funny and adds a lot of fun, new elements too. Personally I think if both movies are seen in a vacuum, HA2 is by far the better movie.

Well to be fair to Rabin, I don't think the line was really that important.

You totally missed the point, he was completely parodying himself and all those kinds of movies and he did so perfectly. I really enjoyed the snippets of Leap Dave Williams.

I actually felt the end of season 4 was the worst, crap like "Khonani", "Argus", "Lee Marvin vs Derek Jeter", "Don Geiss, America and Hope" were SOOOO substandard compared to what had come before in season 1-3. As for season 5, I thought it was a roaring return to form with some amazing episodes.