
Tracy's plot was specifically designed to advertise that Japanese chain restaurant though…kinda sad.

The Oscar Noms this year suck major balls, its going to be a very boring event.

Its really not jagged

I dunno, they are using different directors (including Tina Fey's husband, lol!) so that may be playing a part.

I'm fed up of average - slightly above average Parks and Rec episodes constantly getting thrown A minuses. This episode was not particularly great at all, it was just solidly good.

I had no idea Andie McDowell would be guest-starring so that was a pleasant surprise.
I really need more Liz Lemon though, she hasn't been in the episodes enough at all recently and I feel like I'm having Liz Lemon withdrawal.

He said "the big case from earlier" fyi, not "case of murder".

That looks like Jessica Simpsons

Its amazing how many times the word "What?" is said in that show, someone even made a youtube vid compiling all of them.

Uh why are you calling me racist?

Its visually beautiful, The Dark Knight was just a dull mess. Personally "Batman Begins" is my favorite Batman movie of them all, and once again it has something TDK lacks - interesting visuals.

Phil Dunphy is absolutely nothing like my dad.

你写错了, 你想说 "barbarian scum"…..要是你想美国人去你老家,不叫他们“barbarian scum"大概最好吧。。。实话说我觉得现代的中国人比西方人”barbarian“得多,这是第二十一世纪啦

Thanks. You seem like an unpleasant person though.

I still can't get over this bitch talking about how "special" she is in that interview AVCLUB reported on. What a conceited whore.

Well I didn't like the Hangover either, nor do I like 2.5 Men. I'm well aware that I'm in the minority when it comes to my taste in comedy overall. I call it the difference between having good taste and being a guffawing sheep.

Horrible bosses was terrible though, 3 actors talking over eachother for 90 minutes, with a plot that totally went off the rails. Ugh.

Caroline was only on for 4 years and was canceled before "Freaks and Geeks"..

No wonder this year's nominations are so fucking lame.

Shows you left off the list
-The Simpsons
-Global Guts
-60 Minutes