
Modern Family? Ugh.

I really think the main problem of Family Guy just comes down to lazyiness, pure and simple. I get the impression that very little work or constructive criticism goes on in the Family Guy writers room. It almost seems like those individual writers fart out an episode, there's no group work to improve it and then it

"Hilarious" to me is like major belly laughing all through an episode. I don't see how on earth you could have done that with this episode and its many lame cutaways and gags. Peter as an ant, Peter playing with a dollhouse. WTF, talk about lazy.

"Pure Evil" is never particularly interesting.

Not really

I'm not trolling, Jesus Christ. I gave my opinions on both episodes.

The Joker didn't do anything. The scene with the Ferry demonstrates what was wrong with the whole villain/concept - nothing actually really happened. It was all buildup and no pay-off.

Its not a backlash, plenty of people disliked it from the moment they saw it in the cinema.

I wouldn't want to watch TDK again……so basically any superhero movie I've already seen twice. Batman Returns for example.

The Joker was a shit villain though, a well acted but boring and shitty villain.

Some people just hate "The Dark Knight", me included

They definitely go too easy on "Parks and Rec"

I thought last week's episode did a really good job of all the emotional, characterization blah blah blah, don't you?

Yes, that was one of the most bizarre lines Kenneth has ever said and that's saying something. It sort of made you laugh then think "what? why did they write that line for Kenneth and what is it actually saying about him?" It was almost like Kenneth let his guard down and hinted his usual shtick is just an act.

I felt that he 3rd plot with Jenna and Paul was a step too far, it dragged the episode down and took away attention from the much more exciting A and B plots with Jack and Liz. I think 30 Rock is best when it stays focused on only two plots, FAR too often does the C plot of an episode drag it down. I mean its only 21

I don't think his body's that amazing compared to a lot of other movie actors, its all in the face for me. His facial structure (good cheekbones) and lips are his best features.

Horrible actor but oh so hot, any movie where he takes his top off a lot. I'm not gonna be entertained by his acting so I may his well be entertained by his general deliciousness.

I'm not a gimmick poster O.o

Why would this make me hate Chris Brown?
So Chris Brown is young, filthy rich, arrogant and uneducated. So what, I knew that already.

No grades?
"Move Along Home" goes ok in my estimation until they reach the bit with all the rocks and Dax injures her leg, then they just walk about slowly in silence for AGES doing or saying nothing.
I thought the concept was fun but they coulda done so much more with it. As for The Passenger, Siddig's acting sucks