
A guy with a huge head?

A squirrel giving a finger is THAT funny to you? Jesus Christ…

The Simpsons is not still "great" by any stretch of the imagination.

Except the whole episode was downhill from there, the Chris subplot SUUUCCKKKEEEDDD

Sounds like lame CBS garbage

"Humor is subjective"?

I never liked Bashir much, mainly because the actor was so atrociously bad at conveying emotions (particularly anger) remotely convincingly.

And you felt that a funny voice was good, groundbreaking comedy did you?

Well our tastes our completely different then. There's no way you can convince me that crap like "The Strong Box", "The Frogger" or "The Dealership" are anywhere near as well written as the vast majority of 30 Rock or Parks and Recreation. And yes, Community is a better show than Seinfeld in my estimation.

Why do you even watch this show then? There was nothing drastically different in the comedic writing of this episode whatsoever from other episodes, and apparently you only got one laugh out of it? *BAFFLED*.

That wasn't natural character progression though, that was a retooling of the character after season 1.

I think the golden age of the Simpsons would be season 3-8/9. And I don't think its harsh to say the majority of season 9 of Seinfeld was a huge downturn, it was a very noticeable drop in quality and there were a number of groan-worthy episodes. There was much better comedy on the air the year that season 9 of

Its really not a figure of speech.

I hate when people say that on here. One line can not make an episode good or great, it has to be a full effort. This episode deserved a B or an A- because it was consistently funny, not because it had one line that has been heard before in other comedies.

Hell no, "Queen of Jordan" was a fantastically written bit of comedy with lots of little "blink and you'll miss it" touches that really relay just how much work went into that show.

There's no way this episode was anywhere near as bad as most of the backend of season 4.

David Sims doesn't pretend like every episode of Seinfeld is a lump of Gold, the show has its downturns (including most of season 9) and its own fair share of clunkers, not to mention the fact that the show is not immune to aging. People are too harsh on him, far too many kool-aid drinkers hopping on the "Seinfeld is

I've been encouraged by the development this season as it does actually seem to be aiming to progress some central dynamics. It looks like Liz will actually have a steady boyfriend - they hit the nail on the head with Criss's lines to Liz at the end of the episode. I think they're gonna stick together, and seeing some

Rabin seems to be under the impression that 30 Rock's characters are meant to be real people that we can relate to as if its "Friday Night Lights". I really don't see it how he does, the show has always been about broadly drawn characters from the very beginning. There really aren't that many complexities to the

I think you've overrated a couple of episodes this season so far, and you've definitely underrated this one in my estimation. I thought this was a very solid episode with a really good ratio of funny jokes that hit the mark.