
Several of those episodes were not good.

I totally give Jerry credit for ending the show when he did and think it was a great decision that was surely hard to make. Where did you get the impression I didn't?

It rally baffles me if you actually think season 9 is not a drop in quality. Jerry Seinfeld clearly agreed with me

I certainly don't always agree with this reviewer's view on some episodes. He gives the very subpar "Ron and Tammys" an A but gives "Pawnee Rangers" and "Bowling for Votes" a B- and B respectively.

He has a point

Except "Community" really IS awesome

Does no one else think this show has dipped in quality somewhat? It isn't as fresh, funny, unique or interesting as it once was. It feels like its kind of treading water and I feel most of the scores are overly generous.

MUCH better quality of review this week.
However I feel that the second episode was stronger as it did do something kind of new with the Jenna/Liz friendship. Liz getting paint thrown over her with hilarious, but unfortunately Tracy's C plot did drag it down….I'm not sure I'd miss him if he went.
Overall though, neither

Seriously? People are still doing the "You sir + insult crap"?

You're weird. Seinfeld season 8 and 9 were not classic seasons and filled with episodes below the quality of what had come before.

Its all REALLY downhill from here

Dunno. I did really enjoy the reviews though! Very well written.

No grades? Talk about pointless. You can't assess something properly without assigning some sort of grade or value. I could talk about all the positives in something and only assign a limited space to talk about the negatives but could still think something stank.
There's just no way of comparing your views on episodes

You just didn't go to school did you? Irony does not mean straight up sarcasm. Anyone with a half decent education in English can tell you that.
And obviously I knew you were being sarcastic, I just didn't choose to acknowledge it, lowest form of wit and all that. Now can you stop bothering me and sign up for a

You need to learn what irony actually means.

I wasn't trying to be insightful, I was simply clearing up your inexplicable confusion over something very obvious.

He's obviously talking to the reviewer, durrr

Youtube has tons of sexy videos, half naked guys kissing and all sorts


It? I merged my Avclub disqus account with this one. I had no ida the name would change on it.