
I think season 9 totally throws the balance off, it has several cringe-inducing episodes for me where the show becomes a less funny parody of itself.

That's not the only thing he said in his routine though. He also said that gays getting bullied should suck it up and stop complaining. He also said gays aren't "born this way" because God doesn't make mistakes.

Give me a break. Before Meredith changed it, it wasn't that obvious at all. And I'm from the land of sarcasm, I usually know it when I see it.

Maybe you should go look at some older reviews and compare the two. This review is pretty shockingly bad.

I wasn't trolling. I was expressing my very valid opinion that Meredith Blake's review of this episode was well below normal standard. It was nothing but a glorified plot overview.

Normally the laughter in these shows is a combo of audience laughter and canned laughter to spruce up the bits where the audience didnt go mad for a lame gag

This review was fucking hilarious.
“Sometimes we have moments of laughter" - poor guys, hahaha.

Mmm, Carmen Ibanez!

Its got the point where I just wanna see Liz happy, I actually welled up at the ending of last week's episode totally unexpectedly crying. On the other hand, Liz being happy might kinda ruin the show but this might be the last season anyway.

You're mistaken. He said that being gay is a choice because god doesn't make mistakes.

It originally just said "hilarious invective", there were no sarcasm quote marks or "anti-gay".

I watched the first 5 episodes or so of this show and it was totally crap.
The characters didn't act realistically or like normal people WHATSOEVER and basically the story was full of wholes and contrivances and implausibilities.
I'm wondering if anyone could tell me if it gets better. Frankly the grades on here for the

The show seems to have it out for Polo! She also features in "Gals on the Town" - that unpicked up NBC pilot shown in the plane in "Double Edged Sword".

Now that you've fixed that, maybe you could fix the review so that it expresses opinions and analysis instead of just being an explanation for what happened in the episode for someone who hadn't seen it?

Community did a 2-part paintball episode in Season 2

Ths wasn't so much of a review as a plot synopsis.

Apparently the reviewer found Tracy Morgan's comments last summer "hilarious". Well excuse me if I didn't get the joke, but to me someone standing on stage saying "Gay people choose to be gay and gay teens who get bullied need to suck it up" isn't particulary humorous. It just sounds like a comedian deciding to

Nonetheless, I get several good belly laughs from each episode. It is a more conventional comedy and I do think Sheldon probably is one of the greatest sitcom characters ever. Its funny, I used to hate this show because it thrashes Community in the ratings, but when I watched it, I realized it was a really good show.

The earlier seasons are really hilarious but basically all the comedy revolves around Sheldon. So if you get fed up of Sheldon then you can't really watch the show anymore and I imagine he can get a little overbearing but I've only seen about 30 episodes so far. Its a fun show to watch but hardly as good as 30

DS9 was a superior show to TNG mmkay.