
He's a bad actor, that's hardly even debatable. He can't express anger without looking ridiculous. he's atrocious.

Oh noez

There are quite a lot of stinkers in Seinfeld, particularly in the later seasons. Its a great show but silly to pretend every episode is a masterpiece.

I disagree. I loved the Ferengi episodes, and "Dark Page" was awesome.

I hated Brooks acting too,

I think his worst acting came in "Far Beyond the Stars". "ITS REAAALLL!". So awful.

It lost 17!

Well OBVIOUSLY they constructed new shuttles but that's the problem. Voyager made the technology too magical. They're a medium/small sizes ship trapped on the other side of the galaxy and yet they're able to pump out new shuttles and warp drives whenever they feel like it with absolutely no mention of how on screen.

Shallow? I think you mean Voyager.
"Captain, we've crashed ANOTHER shuttle!""Oh well, just replicate another one, its not like we're trapped on the other side of the galaxy alone with limited supplies or anything"

I found the character playing Jake pretty bad.

I'm not sure I liked Worf coming on. Once he did, the writers sidelined Dax and she was pigeonholed as Klingon-loving partygirl. She was criminally underdeveloped when compared to a lot of the rest of the cast and yet had so much potential.

Pity he's such an awful actor in literally everything I've seen him in.

So basically you don't want people to just glance over reviews and see the grades without actually clicking on them to get more page views. That makes sound business sense so I guess i can't really argue,

The lack of grades is annoying.

Well I'm really happy you're reviewing my favorite series of all time, but just because you feel they're arbitrary or irrelevant doesn't mean your readers do, and they're the people you should be looking out for, its kind of your job.

Actually, DS9 consistently got higher Nielsen ratings than Voyager and Voyager's ratings never reached the heights of DS9 ratings. Even in Voyager's first season (which was running concurrently with DS9 in its third season) where it had its highest Nielsen ratings, Voyager was averaging around a 6, and DS9 around a 7.

One of the reasons I actually really like this is BECAUSE you give the episodes grades. I enjoy seeing which grade is given, I really don't see how they're stressful or irrelevant.

Well as I said, I've known people to act like that.

Well, different strokes. People complain that the characters in Hostel are too unlikable or whatever, but I've known plenty of people who act like Paxton. Maybe you need to widen your social circle.

Don't you just love avclub where we all seem to have the same opinions? Its quite rare to meet someone who disliked the Hangover as much as I did and here's 3 people in a row! XD