
Well I think "Hostel" was a great film with a fantastic atmosphere of paranoia, trepidation and dread. It didn't revel in the mutilation or torture like many other films labeled as "torture porn" have. "Hostel" perfectly captured the atmosphere of being alone in an unfriendly environment and the tension of running for

Each show has its own scale, that was definitely not a B+ for 30 Rock. "Sun Tea" got a B+ and this episode was nowhere near the genius of that.

I am serious, can you explain yourself? The whole "angry tennis player being nice, soft judge" joke didn't work for me because he can't act or deliver any of his lines amusingly.

You graded this a B+, really?? I think you're starting to go soft. I felt that this episode was all over the place and felt really short. We barely saw Liz, the scene between Jack and his daughter did not work and the C story really did suck…heck all of the plot strands kind of sucked and weren't really that funny.

I've started watching Parks and Rec recently and am checking the avclub reviews, totally not agreeing so far with their season 1 reviews. This was a fantastic episode that made me lmao. Shame.

LOL me too

LOL. Denise Richards as head of the idiots.

The first part was a piece of art, it was awesome. THe sequel was crap.

Season 1 of "The Walking Dead" wasn't all that.

Is "Family Guy" a new show to you? Have you only seen a few episodes? Because otherwise I really can't see how you'd laugh a ton at such a tired, lazy episode.

I think this episode was a lot better than this review gives credit for

You really ARE extremely out of touch, it makes me wonder how you even found your way here if you're so out of touch that you haven't even heard of Adele

Ah yes, every episode of "The Big Bang Theory" must be rated A! It really is groundbreaking, peabody worthy stuff!

I haven't seen this episode yet but I really hope it is an A. Its unbelievable really that "Modern Family" started out so well on a level footing with "Community" in terms of humor for me but they have diverged so quickly. The quality of "Modern Family" was declining all through season 2 and then even worse in season

Keep up the reviews! This is one of the only places online where people are honest about Family Guy. There's far too many 19 year old douches who started watching it in the 5th season or something and has no idea that season 1-3 set the bar for Family Guy.

Nah it was awesome

One of the best episodes of the show ever, trufax

Season 5 of 30 Rock was a fantastic return to form after an uneven season 4.

Frighteners is an awesome film that I love love love.

Did you only see one comedy? What about it did you find funny? It was terrible, it had one of the loosest and laziest scripts of 2011.