
The show seems to be implying that the kids spent a lot of quality time with Ser Criston Cole, which admittedly would fuck up almost anyone.

The coronation scene was the best of the season so far.

Whether it was intentional or not, I had no idea what was going to happen at that coronation. Was Alicent going to take Rahneys’ woman empowerment talk and crown herself, was Aegon going to stab himself with the dagger, was Aemond going to pull a fast one.....and then damn! It went without a hitch!

“Just divorce him” and “Just leave him” will always go down in history as the most useless advice we can give abused women.

I hope that she’s able to get out of this situation safely! 

Hey Kotaku, Luke, Patricia, et al.

Is this really an article about an interview with this site that was posted yesterday?

I thought Musky didn’t have a PR department? Go sit in a Mercedes E class and then come back and tell us whether you still think a tesla is comparable.

Pulling out and expanding on one of your points...Tesla is about as luxurious, overall, as a modern day mid-range Toyota. If you sat in a Model S Plaid then sat in a Mercedes S580 the difference would be stark, the two aren’t in the same league. There’s nothing “luxurious” about Teslas, other than the inflated price

1st Gear: I would argue that Tesla is only “luxury” in price. The inside of the 3 and Y are much less luxurious than my 9 year old Lexus CT (the cheapest Lexus) and about on par with my 15 year old Highlander Hybrid. The Model 3 and a Camry/Altima/Accord are probably better comparisons, even though I would easily give

It is truly sad that the owners of this site have decided to let it languish and absolutely will not make any technical improvements.

I’m still waiting for lava sauce and their volcano items to make a comeback.

The cops have not been ‘defanged’, dude.

What planet do you live on? Obviously not Planet Earth. 

This writer is TERRRRRIBLE at the “attention-paying” aspects of her job.

They were in on the plan. Daemon killed the guy to be a stand-in for Laenor.

“This is a canny political move—and very bad news for Laenor. With the princess’ reluctant blessing, Daemon pays Ser Qarl a hefty sum to publicly murder his lover....The two manage to fake Laenor’s death.

Last week, Laena Velaryon committed suicide by dragon-fire after a difficult labor. Her reasons for doing this are up to viewer interpretation, because the show gives us very little to go on.

Breaking News: TV Show About Woman Written By Woman Fails To Satisfy Man

Are we supposed to be on Alicent’s side, because I’m kind of...not.