“We felt it would be fun to offend them.”
“We felt it would be fun to offend them.”
“It was just a late night of having fun and after the first encounter (seen on my channel) we felt it would be fun to offend them somehow,” he said. “You can call that evil but I think it’s just playful immaturity.”
Oh youtube terminated his account for hate speech. Not that the douche had many views at all. Well he tried to be internet famous. He got internet infamous. Then thrown on to the pile of all the other dunderheads before him. It’s almost as if actions have consequences even on the internet.
“You can call that evil but I think it’s just playful immaturity.”
Yeah... These people have fun when they are making others miserable? That’s really terrible.
He has a youtube channel evidently, it would be just AWFUL if he got all of his content demonetized and removed.
Honestly, it doesn’t even have to included the bigoted part. An unfortunate number of people simply like to troll and ruin other people’s online experiences. This is exactly why I’m skeptical of any game that includes some form of shared online world. One of the first things I look into is how much of an…
It’s the sort of nihilistic bullshit that spawns from privilege and a sense of entitlement. The only way they know how to have fun is to take from others.
So one of your solutions is to give them private servers? That’s something some people have been asking for earnestly.
That fact that this guy cannot - or chooses not to - make a simple distinction between hate crime and playful immaturity belies quite the lack of intelligence on his part. I’m sure he’ll go far in this world.
It would have been a more fitting punishment to just force them to keep playing... for life.
“It was just a late night of having fun and after the first encounter (seen on my channel) we felt it would be fun to offend them somehow,”
I might consider it ‘playful immaturity’ if he had targeted a personal friend that understood his homophobic sense of humor. He’d still be a homophobic asshole douchebag, but I’d see it as less ‘hate’ related and more ‘dipshit’ related.
Doing this to a stranger after saying you don’t do that ‘gay shit’ when they said…
Sure! And if someone wants to role-play as the victim and are willing to receive this abuse more power to them! But it shouldn’t be forced on them like this.
Lot of dumb responses to the tweet with the “hey welcome to video games” mentality, too. That this is a longstanding part of gaming culture doesn’t excuse it nor does it mean it should be allowed to continue. Screw these unoriginal unfunny and homophobic losers.
His own boss as in unemployed. We might be able to show his mom though.
One of those players, NathanTheHicc, told Eurogamer that he doesn’t regret role-playing a hate crime in the game and wouldn’t apologize if given the chance. “It was just a late night of having fun and after the first encounter (seen on my channel) we felt it would be fun to offend them somehow,” he said. “You can…
Ah, the good ole “It’s just a prank!” defense. Screw these guys, they’re giving gamers and even worse name than they already had.
(One of those players, NathanTheHicc, told Eurogamer that he doesn’t regret role-playing a hate crime in the game and wouldn’t apologize if given the chance. “It was just a late night of having fun and after the first encounter (seen on my channel) we felt it would be fun to offend them somehow,” he said. “You can…
Yes, the tiny niche of people who have genders.