Andraste's Flaming Knickers

Considering the Dems are apparently already flirting with the idea of selling out women to court some bigots who want to decide what other people can do with their own damn bodies, you might not have to hold your breath for long. But they’re going to lose their current base if they decide to be anti-abortion, so they

First try??? What was 2000???

I just mainlined Heaven’s Gate, all about the cult, it was fascinating and terrifying. Really delves in to how cults work, how they affect the families of the members, why they made the choices they did, and is hosted by a guy who grew up in a different cult. It’s really good, and the whole season focuses on just the

Fuck the commonwealth of Virginia so hard. Thanks for ruining my formative years with you racist, sexist, homophobic, backwards bullshit, I’m so glad I moved to the other side of the fucking country to escape this hellhole shitscape of a state. Do a fucking goddamn runoff vote you asshats.

Fine, but in the parts of the country that would elect a super progressive, why can’t we run those sorts of candidates there and at least help pull the centrists of the party who get elected in more conservative areas more towards the left?

oh man I feel that last one. Nothing quite so infuriating as introducing yourself over and over again to some dude who can’t bother to remember that he not only has met you before, but worked with you regularly since then. And I have purple hair, I stand out!

The VA judges are skeevy shit bags, can vouch for. I got a speeding ticket once and had to go to court for it, my lawyer knew the judge (in the Richmond area, very nearby) and told me to dress in attractive clothes because he was always nice to cute white girls. Skeevy as all get out.

omg you’re amazing

2nd all of this, with the added exception of extreme allergy cases, like my family. However, we still found a purebred, hypoallergenic dog at the shelter and adopted her, but it was years of us waiting for the right dog to show up at the shelter before we got one. Patients goes a long way to getting the right pet for

I think once you start suggesting it would be more convenient if your constituents died, you no longer get to be a representative of fucking anyone. What the actual fuck you crazy bitch

Literally what I was thinking, does he think he’s doing stand up? I don’t get it

Yo, come talk to me when you’ve got migraine inducing cramps, while super sick, and still have to go to work while you’re actively losing blood. Come at me bro.

I only post pictures of my doggo on mine, and I really only get liked by other dog people or people I know, but I don’t mind because then I get to look at their dog pictures, so this feels like a win to me!

This. If we don’t take the moral high ground, we’re just the GOP except without a majority. I’m sure as hell not going to vote for that.

Amen, as far as I’m concerned, Eastern WA is just a different state. Same way Northern VA is a different state.

I saw the “harrowing” in one of his tweets and went yea he definitely didn’t write that, no way he knows that word.

This is my feeling. I’m so torn on the Franken stuff, because yes I want him gone for the things he’s done, but goddamn I don’t want to give the GOP any more foothold than they already have in the government. We need people to stand against them, and we just don’t have it right now.

I am so tired. I’m so weary and run down by all of this. Christians, you are not a minority, you are not being discriminated against, for fucks sake the government is about to destroy the separation between church and state. As someone who was routinely bullied before I ever even came out, just for not being

fuck these bigots. I’m so sick of the homophobia, on top of everything else.

Or fires are worse every summer than the previous one... not everything needs to be a conspiracy