Andraste's Flaming Knickers

Ohhh burn bitch! So satisfying to watch a woman take Ted Cruz down hard

Ok but in this case they also don’t know what the bill does

What the fuck happened to separation of Church and State!?!? WE ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN NATION FFS!! *dies of a rage stroke*

Agreed 100%, I’ve always said that if Christians acted the way they were technically supposed to, which would be Christ like, then I wouldn’t have a problem with them because they’d probably be doing a lot of good in the world. As it currently stands, I have a huge problem with the vast majority of them.

In fairness, I would say the GOP absolutely does hold to Christian values, just not the values Christians were originally supposed to have. Christianity has gotten pretty damn despicable (gotten? maybe it has always been). That said, it definitely doesn’t hold to the values Christians like to pretend to have.

So do you think when Spicey was first up for this job, he had any idea he was going to have defend the size of 45's dick? I mean wall... I’m sure that’s what this is really about...

that’s a beyond chilling thought. I was going to go home and watch the next episode of Handmaid’s Tale, but now it feels too real. I mean more so than it already did.

More stars!

But they are impressively awkward!

It’s been a long time since I’ve found a show that keeps me absolutely glued to the screen. I’m not sure if it’s because of how excellent it is or how disturbing it is, or yes.

So we can be arrested and convicted for laughing at pathetic white men with extremely fragile egos now?

Came here to say this!!! I work for architects, nobody who is actually “architecting” on a normal basis ever says that, it’s so grating

Just with slightly larger words that still mean nothing

and somewhat contradictory too. Be authentic but don’t be yourself, aint no body want to hear about your shit.

I know this is nitpicky, but I don’t care anymore.

If he’s as rich as he wants everyone to believe he is, why doesn’t he just shell that out himself? Fuck him, I am not paying for him to not do his job that I didn’t vote for him to do in the first place.

Polish, I feel like I haven’t seen you around much lately, and today I’m acutely aware of how much I’ve missed you


Maybe give them all an extra hour in the ball pit, that might help

Good point. Clearly I need to go back and replay both. I love Origins also, but it’s getting to the point where it’s just old enough that it feels slightly tedious, though the characters are awesome.