
yesyesyes. to be fair, i was always SORT of on #teampeeta because it felt like he paid attention to what katniss WAS and not what people wanted her to be. but yes, in the last book when peeta talks about saving the population, and then later katniss/boggs talk about the same thing, i was like YES KATNISS GOOOOOOO

AND FIDDLER! (i'm done.)

i can't believe moulin rouge made the list and MY FAIR LADY, CHICAGO AND GREASE DID NOT!!! friendship over, jez. madeleine. whatever.

anyone else think this is the kardashians getting "royals" all wrong?

this is probably terrible but as an oldest sister i definitely tell people's secrets sometimes, even if it's not life-or-death. luckily, i have that reputation (ie, don't tell SA something like maybe your boss is hitting on you unless you 1. want her to speak up or 2. tell her very very specifically that you are

i'm late to the discussion (also, grey) BUT i just wanted to give my northern NJ high school props for being honest, showing up the different kinds of prophylactics, giving a powerpoint on their usage, and not (to my recollection) ever showing a photo (rather than you know, a sketch) of an STD.

dear jennifer. jen? ms. lawrence -

sometimes i just really really hate humanity.