game-hating andrew

I stand corrected, but it doesn't make the situation less stupid; the game is still being segmented for whatever reason the developer feels is necessary. Which it isn't.

This situation could have been averted if they had simply shipped a complete game; locking things off on-disc until a key is downloaded effectively prevents that.

Most painful? I've created a device that recognizes the sound that plays when a character dies in Dark Souls, at which point the person has ants shot up their urethra. It's still a work in progress though, but if I had as much money as the person who funded the stuff in the video it'd be complete and ready to be

So when is it alright to discuss stuff without a spoiler alert? How much time is needed to pass? Maybe sites should have polls regarding your completion of games and then filter articles accordingly. Haha.

Yup. He made a character at SL 1 that had already beaten the game . Makes sense.

Pffft. Pyromancers.

That Etna....uuuuungh. Easily my favorite. The Morrigan is a very close second, though.

Shit. Didn't mean to reply to you. I'm a fucking idiot. Sorry about that.

Saying "progress" will summon Kudo Tsunoda. He'll then proceed to suck your dick/tongue-punch your spam purse and thank you for ushering in the future of gaming.

Saying "progress" will summon Kudo Tsunoda. He'll then proceed to suck your dick/tongue-punch your spam purse and thank you for ushering in the future of gaming.

Pretty sure it's the Ontario Media Development Corporations' continued funding of the studio that has kept them from closing, not the sales of their actual games. It seems like a free pass to make mediocre things, which is bullshit.

Eternal Darkness came out in 2002. "Almost ten years".

When I think of Too Human, I think of another trilogy that'll never be completed: Advent Rising. Although I do like the concept of the former, its execution was poor.

Hopefully Silicon Knights will die now. They haven't put out a good, original game in almost ten years. And Dyack is still a retard.

I was mostly hollow for my first play through, but now that I know what to do/where to go I've been in human form quite often, sometimes with an excess of humanity. I've even farmed titanite whilst online with five humanities and not one invasion occurred. Using the Blue Eye Orb usually turns up nothing, and I've used

Started NG+ a few days ago and I'm amazed by how little PVP there is. In my entire time with the same character (a total of about 90 hours) I've been invaded once and have invaded the same amount of times. Spread-out across my various characters, I've had three PVP encounters and two co-op.

There goes any interest I had in buying the game. Not going to support stupid bullshit like this.

Hahaha, what a story Monkey. Sounds to me like you're just a little chicken, cheep cheep cheep cheep.

Loving this game so very, very much. I was attempting the Nito fight for about, two hours today. Gave-up to try something else, but I can't wait to come back and murder the shit out of him. I haven't been this into a game since Resident Evil 4 on the Gamecube.

At least it isn't John Cena.