Probably not. Murdering somebody, taking off their clothes, spreading their legs and crouching into them whilst punch their face over and over again is probably the closest we're going to get.
Probably not. Murdering somebody, taking off their clothes, spreading their legs and crouching into them whilst punch their face over and over again is probably the closest we're going to get.
Since some crazy dude with a radio show said Jesus is coming back tomorrow.
Three people invaded my game in Demon's Souls today whilst I was getting Spiderstone in 2-1. Luckily, my +5 Tearing War Spear destroyed them all thoroughly. It was so glorious.
I was a part of a guild called "Handstand Donkey Punch". Best guild ever.
I'll be playing "rape and pillage". Or Demon's Souls. Probably the latter.
Who is this person?
It's a free service. It is not critical to function. The PSN is a luxury. The only thing Sony should be giving is subscription time to whomever is subscribed to something.
So much entitlement. It's disgusting.
I dislike patriotism in any form. Just seems like a circle-jerk consisting of people who think they're special because of where they were born. If it were to suddenly disappear from the earth, our species would have one less stupid reason to kill itself.
I was trying to find people to RP and be friends with on WoW this week (I'm pathetic, I know), alas; nobody is social in a game where being social is a main part of the experience. Even less people are interested in RPing it seems, which is bizarre, as I was on an RP server.
That guy at 00:39. I want his hair.
This will only increase the already terribly high sense of entitlement some gamers have. Watch, there will be some huge issue in the future, perhaps with new hardware, and in order to appease the pissed-off spoiled retards, Sony will be sending a hooker to every home affected by the problem. No, not multiple hookers;…
"Rage Mode"?
That seriously sounds like something a group of kids would make up one day whilst playing outside.
Can someone explain to me how honking a vehicle's horn could of possibly helped the situation in any way, shape or form? I hate children.
The game looks awesome, but that wonderful.
Lack of voice chat.
Fright Night remake? FFFFFFUCCCCCCCCCCCCCK YOU HOLLYWOOD!!! Fuck you right in your uncreative ass with a goddamn chainsaw! HATE HATE HATE HATE AEFUHEFHKJASDBNIQWYPFUFNDIUfb. YES I MAD.
Half Life 2 : Episode 3, or just HL3.