sure, or an elderly driver or a drunk driver or an asleep driver or an angry driver, or mechanical failure or biological failure or computer failure, all with a higher percentage occurrence rate. but let’s go right to terrorism
sure, or an elderly driver or a drunk driver or an asleep driver or an angry driver, or mechanical failure or biological failure or computer failure, all with a higher percentage occurrence rate. but let’s go right to terrorism
I was dragged down many hallways many times between kindergarten and grade 2.
It might sound like something an old man shouts from his rocking chair, but kids these days appear to be more interested in escapism than diving into the job market.
“only in texas” do they not give any kind of shit where those bullets end up
is making out with dogs just in the promotional material or is it a core business concept
is making out with dogs just in the promotional material or is it a core business concept
i mean, neat, but the last thing i’m looking at is their clothes
...can you turn this part of the game off? it’s never done well, is always a distraction. is there an ace/aro version
exactly my point
i know that’s a typo but now i really want axshotguns
just watched it. new team, weird pressure washer bit, i give it a solid 6.5/10, but it’s definitely capable of improvement.
the bouillon people?
the bouillon people?
that seems like a bad idea from a UI standpoint inside the car
i dunno which is weirder, that people cheat at this or that there’s websites dedicated to catching them
i don’t believe you give one shit about some racist’s family’s feelings.
wow signal
“a puppet of a Russian authoritarian obsessed with shirtless selfies and unlawfully seizing neighboring land.”
thus making it the ultimate 90s homage
went to a lot of work to make some creepy, creepy pictures.
this is great, well done