
that fact is, it will happen. Russia, Canada & the US are not normal sizes for countries, and it only works in Russia & Canada because most of it is empty. China is a different story i think.


with a couple nice big silver buttons/knobs on the front for power, reset and volume.

it’s not really fooling. you’re not buying a bag of computer parts, you’re buying a finished PC. labour costs money. design *time* costs money, even before design labour. i build PCs too but letting the people who designed the case build the PC is worth money to me in this case, since the point is the design.

would be a lot more powerful if the prosthetics looked like a human being of japanese descent and not like a terrifying uncanny valley apple doll’s head

.. but a full bottle of wine is a better weapon than a smashed glass bottle neck...

i’m curious - did anyone talk to canada before this plan?

how so, it replaces fine:

effectuate is what you say when you forget affect is a verb

it’s volkswagen tho, so they’ll release an “all electric car” and then we’ll find out it’s actually powered by burning plastic bags

it looks like robocop’s visor meets one of those oversized gel ink pens.

looks like Adventure Time meets Prophet. Like... exactly like that.

oof dat photo

no thanks

well the child in the middle of the road probably isn’t arguing with a homeowner about how many cones are necessary while cars are crashing around them, so maybe they’re not even remotely the same thing at all.

“i’m going to do something!”

they both kinda look like deep sea fish that surfaced too fast

step zero - buy a $13 obdii-bluetooth adapter, connect you car to your phone and let it just tell you.

does their target demo not sweat? i can’t imagine wearing a leather backpack.

does their target demo not sweat? i can’t imagine wearing a leather backpack.