
I gave up on that movie when he dove off that cliff after the plane. I see no potential for drama in a movie where the main character can just do anything. Why not make him invincible and have done with it?


You forgot to to mention the two 6-track EP's that were released a couple of days ago, to be followed by two more next spring, following which all 4 ep's will be compiled into a 3rd album, the 24-track Warp and Woof.

Well I love dogs but... not in that way

I thought they would just bus them to some random part of the country where they could have a few days out in the open and never have to know where they’d even just come from. The fact they let them out in ABQ makes no sense at all. Worrying shoddiness in the writer’s room?

Wait I thought the JFK assassination destroyed America’s innocence forever??

I think it’s just ignorance, because before I read this piece crocs really annoyed me. I thought they looked so shit that anyone wearing them could only be doing so as some kind of tedious hipster joke, like those shit white t-shirts with the black glasses and moustache on them. Now I’m reading that they’re really

See, that would’ve been a great joke if you’d said 299 instead of 300, and had the punchline end “...and one’s an imperfect bowling score”. Better symmetry

There’s a distinction to be made though, it seems from the context that this was more than just raised voices. Some people are really, scarily good at being hurtful. Most likely it was more than just a mean word yelled in anger or no one would be talking about it

I think it’s reasonable, if you’re accused of doing something you don’t remember doing, to ask for a second opinion from someone else who was there. I find it a bit nauseating the way that it’s becoming fashionable - in the name of progressive values!! - to pronounce on what a person can or can’t do/say based on their

But that comment from the interviewer is about irony in general, not ironic racism. Cross uses the irony/sarcasm thing on a lot of topics in his comedy.

What do the people’s gender and skin colour have to do with anything? He effectively said “my friend who was there doesn’t remember it that way”. You’re the one fixated on gender and race here, not Cross

Only if you think a person’s gender is their whole identity

Being anti-Islam doesn’t make you a xenophobe. Islam is a religion, not a race.

I loved Humanity, speaking as someone who really liked Animals and thought he got progressively worse with the next two. I thought the dead-baby stuff was a virtuoso turn, some Derek & Clive level poor taste. Cos that’s what he does, he’s a bad-taste comedian, I don’t know why everyone is suddenly pretending not to

They’re like At the Drive-In lyrics. I can totally hear them in Omar Rodriguez’s voice

More innocent times

I thought it was brilliant. Still the starkest, creepiest horror film I’ve seen. But it’s clearly a love it or hate it thing. I read a load of the back story material on the website beforehand but I think I would’ve loved it regardless

I sent an EP out for reviews in 2013 and managed to get two. Then late last year, out of the blue, it got bought for the first time ever, from Bandcamp, for 50p. It’s a glitzy ritzy business alright

It’s pretty ropy. The cast is great, but certain character moments are really botched or non-sensical (like when he finally tells Sandy he’s a time traveller and she reacts like he’s just told her he’s actually from Delaware, not Wisconsin). And it has the older burger-flipping guy just ducking out on his multi-year