Maybe it would have occurred to me if this post was about Kanye.
Maybe it would have occurred to me if this post was about Kanye.
Tori has known for a very long time her mothers character, she should’ve made provisions for this. My mother inherited my dads estate when he passed away a decade ago, I knew I was never going to see a penny of it. Granted it wasn’t $500 million, but we had always been comfortable thanks to dads hard work and…
The correct answer, BTW, is either James Earl Jones or Sam Elliott.
I hope you get a response.
(The hosts of My Favorite Murder have not returned requests for comment.)
Only the finest Christmas Shoes for when I meet Jesús tonight.
I sat across from her in her office in Milan a few times, as a model. It was terrifying. She suffered no fools. And yet, what a show she made of being a powerful woman who was utterly at home in her power.
True. With trump gone, the GOP will finally stand up for women and minorities!
Because he is desperately hoping that Bernie Sanders voters like me are going to go “oh, I guess I’ll vote for Trump now durrr” which is NOT fucking happening. I will be wearing my Bernie shirt, but I will HAPPILY be casting my vote for Madam President.
Back when Giuliani was running his kids refused to endorse him or show up for him. His daughter is publicly working for Clinton. Kids can stand on their own principles.
In the event Trump dues implode at some point (I don’t think this is it), please remember Pence is just as dangerous.
But where are the clear examples of her entitlement, cluelessness about the non-rich (which she used to be) and non-feminism? This woman made her own way up the ladder, and the amount of hate she gets from other women who have not enjoyed her level of success (most PEOPLE have not enjoyed her level of success) seems…
One day Jen is going to give birth to an elderly man and then all the doubters are going to look soooo stupid.
I’m okay being Spooky Mulder in this scenario tbh.
“...I’m sure he could have readily convinced a blackout drunk girl to have sex with him...”
Nope nope nope nope nope NOOOOOPE PLEASE everyone stop saying that Warren should be the running mate. She can do SO MUCH MORE GOOD where she is right now than she ever could possibly do as VP.
Especially since, y’know, not all of America lives in NYC or rides the subway. Contrary to what Gawker and so many other media employees may sometimes think.
yeah could we talk about what a shit show Hot Pursuit was?