Some people consider BMW’s 1-series, like today’s Nice Price or Crack Pipe 128i to be the spiritual successor to the…
Some people consider BMW’s 1-series, like today’s Nice Price or Crack Pipe 128i to be the spiritual successor to the…
The E82 128i with 6 speed manual was the last of the good E cars. Its still my favorite BMW.
So it is huge but powerful and full of tech, and no manual transmission.
1. hk isn’t china
But cameras aren’t as good as eyes in low light. I think actual visibility was probably better than this video suggests, and an attentive driver going the speed limit may have had time to stop.
I had a mild erection throughout the entire article, and then you said it only comes in CVT.
I’m guessing that the poor schmuck who bought my Mazda6 after I traded it in will wonder:
The first half of this headline is pure bliss.
“Sorry everyone, just a minor hiccup in the control room... I saw a roach. Everything’s okay now though. This is DJ... Hugh... Mann, Hugh Mann, saying the vault is still completely safe! Not a single deathclaw has gotten in here and killed anyone. Who even mentioned deathclaws? Not me. It’s just me and the deat—…
But not too short to make stupid fucking comments on blogs?
Absolutely, unequivocally, categorically bat shit fu**ing crazy. It is absolute calamity with a huge economic disparity in what you see on the road. Brand new G65 AMG next to an old beat up and un-maintained VW transporter van that is over-filled (they use them as public transport). So you get the dudes in the shitty…