I'm pretty sure you can make $689.00 per hour in your own home! Here's how...
I'm pretty sure you can make $689.00 per hour in your own home! Here's how...
Let’s just hope he watches movies better than he draws feet!
I just hope it doesn’t involve IMF being compromised and Hunt et. al. having to go it alone, which is the plot of, like... four of the M:I movies?
“Oh, exactly. I think that’s more one of those scenes that are made that when you have scenes before that in a movie comes along, that will explain that reposition.”
Unfortunately, I can see the Academy adding more violence next year to increase viewership. Dame Judi Dench and Olivia Colman in fisticuffs. Timothee Chalamet slamming Tom Holland’s head into the stage. John Williams leaping from the ring to deliver a diving clothesline to Hans Zimmer.
Why shouldn’t she be? That movie owns.
This felt like a discussion of the cast rather than the film.
Toys really don’t sell much anymore. Kids don’t care nearly to the degree our generation did. They have electronic devices. They age out of toys faster. The market is shrinking rapidly. SW toys are marketed primarily at adults these days.
I think you’re overstating just how “bold” and innovative “The Mandalorian” really was. I mean, I guess the sheer act of having an SW product without any Skywalker connection (at least at first) is kinda/sort bold-ish, but only a little. It shouldn’t be that hard to imagine such a thing in a vast galaxy, but I guess…
There was a point in final act of the Last Jedi where I realized that I had no idea what was going to happen next. That’s a feeling I had never felt before with Star Wars, and I haven’t felt it since. Just because of that, TLJ was my favorite SW media since ESB.
The more I think about the Book of Boba Fett the angrier I get at it. Not because of the piss poor quality, but because I think they’ve been really unfair to Mandalorian fans.
The obsession with Batman being REAL REAL REAL is so crazy to me. We’re going to get to a point where they’re going to reboot him for the 20th time and he’ll make his suits out of bed sheets because REAL!!!!
Cost to rent a movie without Ana de Armas in it: $3.99
These guys are still not understanding the rights. They don’t any sort of IP related to the designs or Jodorowsky’s concepts.
Couldn’t agree more with Bardem on the casting controversy. Glad he said that.
A Point Break virgin? I am legit jealous.
Yeah, I’m sick of people trying to inject comedy into Ghostbusters movie! Just unnecessary IMHO.
I’ve seen it and enjoyed it greatly, but I recommend not hyping yourself too much. Even with the best films too big expectations tend to cause disappointment. It’s a gorgeous experience, but as a standalone work its pacing is rather off — it’s clearly a part one and doesn’t even try to tell a whole story.
Season 4: Dinosaurs eat man, woman inherits the Earth.
Stop “just asking questions” if you won’t listen to the answers.