
Poirot is Belgian, you racist.

Uh, how is Canto Bight a forced reference?  They were literally discussing Perrin’s (former) gambling habit.  And it’s been established as a major casino in the SW universe.  

I have to disagree there. If it was a cut to Tatooine or any member of the extended Skywalker family, I’d be in total agreement, but the Death Star is still massively important.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen that, but my personal favorite is shows that put [Speaking Foreign Language] during actual dialogue that I’m supposed to be able to understand instead of actually translating it, or superimposing it over the hardcoded subtitles so I can’t read them. Westworld had a lot of that in Season 2,

I wish there was option to have just the dialogue, and not sound effects transcribed. I don’t need to read the lyrics to the music playing in the background, or that there are sirens in the distance.

Be fair.

No one is looking at Fantastic Beasts for any reason.

This sounded much more reasonable than that, though. Like they’ll put out 2 and 3 since they’re done, and if people aren’t into it they’ll call it a day. It’s the opposite of #ReleaseTheSnyderCut. Nice to have a director just acknowledge that people might not be into his shit (but ironically since it’s Cameron the

There was a “Daredevil Hallway Fight” for his fans, and Jen messed it up before it got good.

...the pipes, the pipes are calling...

“May the Force be with you and shit.”

I may not be able to read but my ability to count is still up to par - that’s now five separate posts about a  show you’re forcing yourself to watch for reasons.

It answered the mystery of Rey’s origin by saying she didn’t come from any special bloodline. She would have to stand on her own, not beholden to anyone else’s legacy.

If 9 had stuck the landing and followed through on everything he set up in 8, we would be having very different conversations about the movie now.  The fact that they completely tailored 9 to appease all the toxic fanbois on the Internet and negate everything about 8 just ruined everything about the trilogy. (that and

The movie’s not perfect, but it was literally breathtaking for me since, for the first time since Empire Strikes Back, I had no idea where any individual scene or the overall movie was going. After decades of predictable storytelling, Johnson flipped over the table and did new and exciting stuff.

Krusty knew.

Sure, of course. Each worker chose to not show up for work.

Saw this the other day. It's basically a Freeform original movie, blandly shot and not particularly well-written but gets by on the charm of its leads. Still, it's arguably more radical that this is a mediocre mainstream teen romcom about a trans girl's romance with a Muslim boy - which I've never seen before - so

Or they could just do more fun stuff where she’s a relatively low-stakes local superhero, and focus on Kamala and her friends, like most of the parts that really worked well in season one.

My theory is that Kamala swaps into a big space battle that Captain Marvel was having hence why she says “no no no”. And she holds her own etc.

This whole thing is hella stupid. Variety interviewed people over us? Why?