
Quite a few people eat burgers in lettuce leaves, etc...

In the vast majority or cases we’ll eat burgers in a bun.

You are not wrong, that does sound great. Unfortunately, I’ve lost my ability to trust American Kit Kat bars not to be sickly sweet and cheap-tasting. Perhaps I will give this a try when I see it and likely then bemoan its failure, hoping that it’s finally not quite as bad as it’s been the last 25 years.

In the U.K. we would identify it as a burger. Be it crocodile, wild boar, ostrich, veal, iberico, kangaroo, lamb, buffalo, etc...

Lidl also sell Highland Game venison from Dundee, as do many other supermarkets.

Now all she needs to do is have a fist fight with Andy Capp!

The Scotch Egg was invented by Fortnum & Mason (i.e. “The Queen’s Grocer”).

Of course he did.

Based on the article, it appears that the Judge’s justification was that Americans don’t know that Gruyere comes from a specific area. Deciding legal rulings on the ignorance of Americans seems like a really, really, really, dumb thing to do and I don’t see how it is defensible, even for American products that enjoy

It’s really weird that protections were granted to Roquefort cheese but not Gruyere. The argument that the US FDA regulates Gruyere without a specification on region should never have held water when Roquefort’s FDA regulation enjoys exactly the same lack of specificity yet it was granted protection of region. From

My guilty meal is whatever they have in a box for $5 at taco bell, with a quick stop next door to the sonic where I can grab a shake. It’s like maybe a twice a year thing, when I’ve had a really bad day.

I would be impressed if she liked to wolf a few Scotch eggs and a chunk of Stilton and then wash it down with a few pints.

I know it’s technically not butter but margarine, but my Country Crock tub has Country Crock spread in it.

Damn.... now I want a saveloy.... And since the local fish and chip shop closed and turned into a bike shop (?) I’ve no idea where I’d find them locally.

Thanks for re-awakening that disturbing memory.  

Don’t you just hate it when you buy a Doctor Who Annual at a jumble sale and somebody has filled in the maze with crayon?

I just want the Gainman Buckingham run finished. If they bring Miracleman into the 616 universe it will make the character pointless. Without the stuff that Moore brought to the character, Miracleman is just another strong guy who flies. Trying to bring the Moore/Gainman version of the character into the 616 would be

Isn’t ever farm in France technically a frog farm?