Talking of quirks, why do you mainly say “fork and knife” rather than “knife and fork”? Silver service not your forte?
Talking of quirks, why do you mainly say “fork and knife” rather than “knife and fork”? Silver service not your forte?
Is it called Colin or Cuthbert?
On occasion, yes. Depends on how I feel or where I am. Currently, I have a bit of a debate going with my significant other because I’m quite happy eating takeaway fish’n’chips with my fingers. If I cook it myself then a knife and fork comes into play.
Back in the Eighties, Dr Rob Buckman, late of The Pink Medicine Show was diagnosed with an auto immune disease which was nearly fatal. He made a documentary about his and others’ experience of such conditions, Your Own Worst Enemy. One of the people interviewed was a fellow who had to eat nearly raw liver as a counter…
And you lot think cheese rolling is weird ...
Not sure how to classify that food crime,
One of the Carry On movies has a moggy known as “Cooking Fat”.
Ouch ! It’s in Knightsbridge. Hope they give London Weighting.
One small hop for can ...
An old friend had a bit of a freak out when she found the pork in beans while we were holidaying in the States.
Beans for his tea. Evening meal.
And it ends in Harrow.
Wimpy still exists and keeps talking about expansion though I haven’t seen any evidence of that yet. In some places you will still find Jenny’s and Starburgers which were/are defrocked Wimpy bars.
The real news here is; UK still has sit-down Pizza Huts?
Having said that, do Brits use ketchup on chips?
If I have see Girl Food on ebay I might give it ago. I will as ever sing the praises of Ma Broon’s Cookbook. Also I really do need to find the title of that Home Ecc book that collects a load of strips from Girl weekly.