
Goes well with cheese. What more do you want?

Square fishsticks?

Less food waste? Or is that merely displaced? In the sense it piles up at the factory (or airport) rather than in your kitchen?

Heinz have just introduced a bean burger that I would like to try. Haven’t seen in the shops yet though. Meanwhile, the Co-op’s Incredible Burger is rather good.

Just to flog a dead Cow Pie, you know Desperate Dan’s London gaffe is where a certain barber lived. Dunno about Mrs Lovett, the police should be asking Aunt Aggie about her ingredients.

There is an element of equivalence to be had I suppose? Dr Jekyll’s lab, or at least the London home of the vivisectionist who inspired him, is now a Indian vegetarian restaurant.

Getting a Bishop’s Finger down your throat is the best.

Y Fenni started life in Abbergavenny but I think the company that currently makes it moved production somewhere else. Locally, we stick cheese down the mine to mature.

In the Uk they make a lot of weird flavored cheeses.

Didn’t you used to be a Cannibal?

That’s why McDonald’s can’t have milkshakes - we’ve exported all the milk as cocktail flavoured cheese.

Not sure if our Aldi does these? Yet. But there are some beer cheeses that are rather delicious. Thinking Irish Porter Cheddar here. Quick google and I find coffee cheese exists. There was a Prosecco cheese the other year. 

consumed as soon as humanly possible after removal from the pan

I’ve been wondering about places locally that do a Full English as takeaway? Do fried eggs really travel that well?

Pure Leith

Kippers, Kedgeree, smoked salmon with scrambled eggs, braised haddock and a poached egg, all fine. These days, I’d even go for cockles, bacon and lavabread.

It is a singular madness. 

Apparently we import 16 per cent of our milk and 98 per cent of that is from EU countries. Whereas 98 per cent of our dairy exports are/were to EU countries, although since that seems to have plunged post-Brexit and during the pandemic it’s possible there is a surplus building somewhere.

At the 20th Anniversary Doctor Who Convention the cafe at Longleat laid on a special breakfast treat - fish and chips! I really did not want that at 7am.

McDonald’s UK say they source their milk from UK farms, so it seems to be a haulage issue.