
I’m gonna compromise a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiitle and scream mid life crisis a bit....but it’s not German!

It’s not just the number of seatbelts, but the arrangement of the seating that also matters. We have 2 in carseats now, but the girth of the carseats render the center seat non-functional. My 5 seats have been turned into 4. If we add another child into that mix, we need that 3rd row. THIS is why my husband’s turbo

Here he is, ladies and gentlemen: That Guy.

...I liked the color...

Same here. The second there is an opening...Hammer down brrrap! It’s not fast but man does this car put a smile on my face even after a year (my average time with a car is 14 months)

That’s Waymo driver-less cars than last year...

Except “autopilot” is actually correctly named if you’re remotely familiar with where the term came from. A pilot may “cede” control of the aircraft to the system but it’s with the intent of freeing them up to monitor the craft overall rather than devote the majority of their attention to the minor corrections needed

Always been a fan of my Abarth’s cluster. RPM and temps on the left, throttle position and fuel on the right, digital speedo dead center. Not that a g-meter is special anymore, but it has one of those too... for science.

This mentality killed SWG, one truly amazing MMORPG, which a respectably sized fanbase [for the time] - When WoW surpassed 6 million subscribers in the blink of an eye they completely changed the game to mimic more of a traditional RPG feel instead of its sandbox feel.

I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a more punchable face.

Rules are not inherently moral, morals are determined by people outside of, or in spite of, what the rules are. Breaking a rule means he has no legal or official recourse. If the people decide he has moral high ground, then he has it, regardless of what the rules are.

SELECT * FROM emotions WHERE name=’nostalgia’;

What kind of emotionally bereft miscreant would leave leftovers in a Chipotle bowl? YOU EAT IT ALL AND LEAVE NONE BEHIND. NOM NOM NOM. (Sheeesh.)

I don’t know... sometimes it’s hard to find my cars in that parking lot...

The tire rack banner from Solo Nationals made it easy to spot, though I just removed it.

Its subtle and not obnoxious at all.

Given the size of the company, Dodge almost certainly had these social media campaigns mapped out well in advance, and tweets around them were pre-loaded and scheduled ahead of any incidents. This is extremely common, if not the norm, for social media posts.

If you can overcome one of your critical requirements, a non-cheap-feeling interior: used Dodge Challenger R/T.

NO Mention for the new 124? Starts under 25, used examples are showing up less, RWD, manual is prevalent, turbo 4, weighs under 2500 and amazing looks!