Now show us how he parked at the airport...
Yeah, but with like 10% less cash than he had on him before.
He’ll respawn at the hospital in a few anyway.
I not only wouldn’t convict her, I’d recommend to have the judge order the shitbag thief to pay for the damage to her vehicle his body caused.
What crime? She is just taking out the trash.
If this were Texas it is probably legal.
Maybe not the correct reaction 100%, but man messing with a pregnant lady is definitely not a good idea. Hopefully she gets off with some community service or something.
Saw it on the news earlier. Agreed, you can’t just run someone down with a 2-ton machine because of petty theft, but emotionally I’m with her 100%. Hopefully she has a lenient judge.
Depending on your sense of history, you might remember when Volvos were deemed “boxy but nice.” Maybe even farther…
When a car-loving Canadian police officer pulled over a group of exotic supercars on a road rally, he didn’t write a…
The only thing I considered watching that was “run that dumbass over.” I mean, you’ve got a dash cam, he’s coming at you with a lethal weapon, you’re 100% entitled to defend yourself in that situation and you’ll have the video to prove it.
Horn etiquette is pretty bad these days. Most people just lay on the horn and scare the crap out of everyone else on…
Don’t laugh, this is our future presidential limo...
Agreed. If I ever get a Harlequin this steering wheel is MANDATORY. So is painting the faces of all 4 wheels a different color. Embrace the Clown Car effect!
Jamie Orr decided he was going to save this ultra-rare Volkswagen Golf Harlequin from a junkyard. One of the most…
Jalop level 10/10.
Kept driving it until the engine gave out. Added more air fresheners.
A friend of mine bought a VW Diesel Golf. Turns out the sellers lied about the emissions or something big time. Super sketchy scenario. Whatevs. Sellers took it back.
And then the British electricians hooked up the wiring harness without a multimeter.