
I want to see the garbage patch turned into a giant floating island... Maybe someone can start a new country...

I think it's kind of cool, but then also once considered using vaginal secretions as a meat marinade...

Everyone who supports choice should be spreading the website far and wide. They teach how to do your own safer abortion at home using ulcer medication. Better than a coathanger...

Some things that helped me over the last year and a half were spending time with lots of different people, listening to music, exercise and hobbies. Drastically reducing contact with my ex, hard as it was, was the game changer... I didn't really start healing until then. It's amazing what heartbreak can do. I fought

I wonder how often tow truck drivers get shot...

Dexter? Are you reading this?

During a long distance relationship, my ex and I found useful.

Beg to differ.

I ate crickets for the first time last week. The hardest part was getting over the visuals...

I've done pretty good with Vanguard ETFs, particularly the ones for REIT, healthcare, tech and utilities.

Great article... Though can pretty much assure you that if you try out a headlamp, you'll never go back to a regular flashlight. It's just so much nicer having your hands free.

I want a copy of this sooo bad!

I wanted to be a writer "just like Stephen King." And a psychologist. And a spy. Now I'm a psychiatric RN who dabbles in biohacking and makes some money on the side writing hypnosis erotica.

Always bring at least $100... I only spend on lap dances, never go to VIP and pretty much laways pre-(and post)game... There's nothing like going to a regular club after having had hot strippers make you think you're better looking than you are for a few hours...

Time to put aluminum siding up inside the house...

Crap... That was what I told my ex-girlfriend to do with my old laptop rather than see her again to get it back... Well, here's hoping it made it to a landfill somewhere and is buried rather than being harvested by identity thieves... Thanks...

Would tossing an old phone into the bathtub work?

Among my favorite historical figures are Ben Franklin, Mark Twain and Abbie Hoffman... Feel free to start with any.