

I have one and love it... Camera is better than my old Galaxy 2S.

She left me for my clone.

You left out Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal....

About 10 years ago, I paid $400 for a superautomatic espresso maker. It grinds, brews and self-cleans. Expensive? Yes, but way cheaper than my twice a day quad venti white mocha at Starbucks...

Once floated up an antenna on a helium balloon when hanging out at a hot spring in a slot canyon... I'd been there before and knew to bring one...

I like the show :)

The future is insects.

I lived at a hostel in Brunswick, GA that had several treehouses for rent at about $11/night... It was awesome... If you're ever in the area,

Still waiting, but I have high hopes...

I keep a text file open called daily links, in which I collect all the links I've stumbled upon throughout the day that I want to peruse a bit deeper without the distractions of work or that are NSFW. Every night before I leave my desk, I email it to myself.

Where's Dexter when we really need him?

The only famous person I ever wrote to was Chuck Palahniuk. At the time, I had a short story on his website in a section for aspiring writers. About two months later, I received a care package and letter, which started, "Consider this my first fan letter to you..." It's still framed on my wall.

Software engineers, please hurry is building a God-like AI to save us from ourselves... Half the American population is trying to kill us all...

I've read we're due to lose about 80% of our jobs to robots in the next 20 years. We'll see whether that happens or not, but for a moment, let's presume it will. When 80% of people lose their jobs, whose going to be left to buy your products? Likewise, America's social safety net is not designed to protect people at

Here's a few I haven't seen mentioned yet:

At least the Supreme Court ruling now allows me to gently counsel people going to church with fliers about all the awful things the church has done over the years.... Thinking about making something similar with all the immoral things the U.S. has done to give to people entering the courthouse for jury duty...

This is brilliant!

One retirement option I often discuss with my clients is moving overseas to a third world country where one's retirement money can stretch much MUCH farther. It is important to budget for flights back though, as one of the biggest barriers to this plan is family still living in the U.S.

Just keep in mind that if you miss, he will probably kill you. And it's easy to miss. Personally, my first strike would more likely be the throat, eyes or collar bone.