
Because, there are certain times when it’s absolutely brilliant and does things we havent seen before... but most of the times... it’s a slog \-.-/

Soo, You’re not playing with Japanese voice over?

Awaiting an answer here for same reason!

It’s an Amazon exclusive bud

Does anyone have the video of the shot? Asking for a friend

So I have a silly question as a non-competitive gamer, can’t Kurt just make a new email and subscribe to a new gaming subscription and EA account to get around this ban?

Whats Shadowbringers?

He wants to believe his fantasies

Now Hello games needs to do an integration w/ Beatsaber and we are f*&king set

Jabba’s sail barge got a sudden surge of 5000 orders on its last day, after having sat around 3000 for the large majority of its preorder time.

The number seen on Hasbro Pulse is specifically for the number of preorders made through Hasbro Pulse, not factoring in all of the other preorders made through all of the

How can I try it!?

Kirk, my clan and I beat the raid on normal last night. If we ran hard mode tonight would we get drops at all or can you literally only run it once a week no matter what mode?

Someone get this man another Phoenix Down