
and the other half don’t understand what a union actually is. Opposing unionization is insanity. But, ya know, murka

Aww, was really hoping this would just be a one word article consisting of “Money”

Yeah, okay, but that’s just not true.

So much respect for that dude. Dead on.

If we’re living in the right timeline, that definitely happened

Publicizing this info before breaking in for a dope photo shoot is pretty lazerbrained if you ask me

She won’t serve 51 years. If she’s in jail that long, we’ll all be dead. Something’s gotta give

Couldn’t have said it better. The BS that passes for “wisdom” in this league is costing players their careers and futures, but since it’s an insulated little system with no control study, they get to keep pretending they know what they’re doing. These people couldn’t keep a Burger King operating, and yet they get paid

Charred post-apocalyptic hellscape pitting humanity against the worst of our inner demons? Yeah I’m all about it. Throw in some zombies or robots and it’s a party

How did so many centrists pass on this guy in the primaries?? He had it all!

literally 0% chance Kyle Shanahan gets fired before the start of next season, unless it turns out he was the MAGABomber. Actually, even then they’d probably just put him on leave until he was behind bars.

This entire comment thread is built on a false premise. The additional commentary isn’t meant as a paraphrasing of JMs words, it’s adding an aside to flavor the final conclusion. Maybe you disagree with the aside, maybe you think its unsupported, all well and good. But to imply that this is bad journalism is just off

Counterpoint: Grit

That’s a legit comp, then, yeah. Everything except the skin tone. 

Yeah, but you didn’t get a degree from the 2nd best public university in the country (mighta been first at the time). Coaches are suckers for a well spoken, all-business longshot. They all think they’re the special guru that can mold him. All I can think is he must say all the right things in the film room because

He’s very “coachable” aka bad at football. I’m a Cal fan, I was amazed he even got a job in the NFL...


They can open complex puzzle boxes, and quickly apply the new skill, do math, and recognize faces. That seems pretty impressively intelligent to me? I mean, it’s the smartest non-mammal on earth, right? People just really, really like eating ‘em

As a born and raised bay area A’s fan, I second this 100%. It’s been hilarious to listen to sports radio where they dance around trying to blame the fans, or the area, or millennials, when the story is pretty clear. They threw us under the bus when Al came back, they threw us under the bus with Fremont, and made it

I really hope the Buffalo Tourism Board isn’t missing out on this opportunity to craft some dope marketing...