
It’s funny ‘cause it’s true...

I can’t remember, did he play ball with a glove or did he just pocket a couple baseballs in those bulging cheeks?

Well Said. I just put down DA:I after a day and shook my head. NO, I’m not looking for anymore of those fcking flowers. No.

nope. 400 hrs at least. Mark my words. and my hours...

I love that, with exactly the same amount to go on, you’re already calling it out as over-hyped. Who knows? Let’s wait. Fallout games take weeks to even figure out what the hell the game is about, and the meat of the experience has nothing to do with the script, but what happens when you jump the rails and go full-on

I’m preloading, but I already know it’ll still be buggy as hell and frustrating like no other. But it only hurts because it’s so goddamned good... No other games have I sat through a combined 5+ hours of just bugs, freezes, and glitches. They make it worth it, no matter how frustrating those moments can be. And Skyrim

The correct answer was Fallout 4.

Yeah, all that. That camera was such crap. And the valley section where you just sit and watch your dots move across the map for 10 minutes at a time. Sweet. Had such High hopes...

I feel like I’m 10 again, and christmas is a week away. I’ve already had conversations in the past week where I just drift off and forget what I was talking about, thinking about the Wasteland... Must. Make. It. 7. More. Days.

stop now. that hole’s plenty deep.

TL:DR but I’m assuming Cap’s pissed cuz somebody stole his right leg, right? Right?...

The author gets it mixed up in the 8th paragraph, too. Not a good sign. Except now I’m hungry...

This is so fucking beautiful. I just cried a little...

There are laser-wielding robots rolling around the whole universe, does nobody think the story of how they got there could possibly become part of a deeper narrative thread?

I can’t even begin to understand that...

yep, my guess is Black Friday, or maybe Christmas, but with an announcement no more than a month beforehand.

How do you know there’s no story? Maybe that’s what the exploration is all about, finding the story, piece by piece. I’m pretty sure they have some secrets up their sleeves...

If nothing else, just watch a company that’s committed to the exact opposite method of pre-release hype: Bethesda. They announce a finished game 4 months ahead of the release, to everyone’s surprise, and everyone loves it. Even with fewer than 45 days to go until the drop date, they still haven’t told anyone anything

Does the Shaolin Cowboy make an appearance?

Seriously? Short? That stock’s going nowhere but up. There’s so much money already in congress’ pockets from these Sites, Frank Pallone just represents entrenched gaming interests who are mad that Atlantic City is losing market share. Gambling is on the upswing, big time. It’s going to get much darker before those