
8 ingredient tacos.

I’m a dragonsexual and i don’t see my pronoun listed.

from everything that’s come out, he’s not wrong about the chris hardwick part.

is pepsi okay?

the worst part is when you forget to tell them not to use the knife they jsut used on someone elses sandwhich so now your sandwhich has a bunch of sauce and mayo you didn’t ask for in the middle of your sandwhich.

it’s got less of a pedophile after taste the last couple of years.

Semi Sarcastic comment incoming.

The league ignored the ideal gas law to take first round pick and the QB for 4 games from the patriots, so it’s no surprise that are ignoring physics once again with the new rule here.

i think i have crohns.

the best part of your patriots post each year is the fact that you have NOTHING worthwhile to actually say so you just rehash the same nonsense that was disproven, and in the event that the patriots lost the superbowl that year you mock them for not winning the title.

are vaccinations Vegan?

$8 a month for just DC content? LOL.

you should google the term salary cap.

is it cause of the rape joke?

i mean he DID say he wasn’t going to be playing for the Browns.

but the computer nerd in mission impossible is played by a white dude...

Survival was amazing. i would have paid $60 for just that as a stand alone game.

“Lets talk some football”

“ Even if the accusations were blackmail she should have known MeToo detractors would find it.”
