
Because he killed innocent native americans, even though he knew it was wrong. Another character flaw.
Listen, I’m not going to google “white savior last samurai” because i’d wager that the person that wrote it ALSO didn’t watch the movie.

Have you seen the movie? Spoiler Alert nah son, All of the samurai “the white man saves” die in a battle very similar to the battle of big horn(which is brought up during the movie). Tom cruises character is simply there as a conduit for The majority of the audience to see what it was like for feudal Japanese as they

it’s not so much a question, as a conversation starter. the person doing the interview brought up how Harris does things similar to Mayo, and mantioned that he might be under the radar to media folks, at which point BB stepped in an explained, yeah he is under the radar the dudes a beast.

so just so I’m clear. This dude would rather pay for 40 game tickets of which he actually only uses 5, because they are face value, over just buying tickets to the one game he wants at NFL ticket exchange prices.

if only there was some sort of test you could administer to a player, like a mental test, but for physical attributes. a “physical” if you will to make sure the body is in good condition, before giving the player tens of millions of dollars.

can someone link me to the same post barry made when the heat signed lebron, bosh, and allen to join wade?

Mashed potatoes:

john mccain going on public television and shouting “But the emails!?”

what a disaster this republican party has become.

for profit air traffic control is going to cause a lot of deaths and increases in travel costs.

sounds like Rep Higgins is a radical christen and should also be put down.

fuck john clayton

sorry man, i don’t have 4 days to go one way across the country, at the same cost as a 6 hour flight.

As a northerner. I always make time to have at least one stop at cook out when i’m in NC.

i look forward to your next blog shitting on Tom Brady.

ya know, if you put a frozen chicken breast(i normally buy the packs that have them individually sealed) in a bowl of room tempeture water, they will thaw out in about 30 minutes.

just so i’m reading this clearly.

i know personally when someone wont change their clothing for me, the first thing i do is call someone with a firearm and handcuffs.

Armada was okay(i got it from a contest on io9)

Armada was okay(i got it from a contest on io9)
