did i just fucking read an article about an article that’s sponsored content?
did i just fucking read an article about an article that’s sponsored content?
so whats to stop the team doctors from clearing him, and then them cutting him?
i personally find it hilarious that union workers, are dumb enough to choose not to pay union dues, thus nullifying the union, which empowers the people the union was created to keep in check, because of the workings of people they most likely voted into office.
1st and 2nd round picks taken from the patriots, because “we don’t have proof that the patriots didn’t convince him to do these things, and tom brady wont give us his cell phone”
if talib wasn’t good at football, i have no doubt he would be in prison.
runners with the ball are allowed to make contact with the face mask, defenders are not allowed to put their hands anywhere on the facemask.
the same thing that happened to guys like matt hughes.
i want to say FF Tokyo drift
have you seen the movie “timer”?
the only thing dumber would be TJ wards flexing after getting a 15 yard roughness penalty while down two scores.
can we get this video in english?
no faker?
she was with extended family, family that probably couldn’t afford first class seats. this might surprise you but sometimes, families like to be together, and in some cases, people allow their pride to prevent others from buying them first class tickets.
i mean honestly at this point why is he fighting the charges? hes going to spend his entire life in prison, the only thing fighting these charges is going to do is take any money he might have left from his other trial, that he lost, away from his kid who is no doubt going to have a really rough life.
hey can we get these videos in english?
all I’m saying is that i’d love for there to be SOME semblance of fairness here.
my only thoughts here: Just a couple of months ago people were outraged that Tracer was being thought of in a sexualized way, to the point where people actively said it was “gross” because she is just a 15 year old girl that got time looped into an adults body.
welcome to the starcitizen dev team former crytek dudes and ladies
oh i see, not a formal complaint.
ive done it a couple of dozen times now, each time has been enjoyable.